Piston Builder
automatically creates a piston object between the pivot points of two selected objects and links the piston rods to the chosen objects. Good for car shocks or robots etc.
updated 12-4-08
Undo Support added
Added Inner Piston Cutoff Feature to control how far inner Piston rod Extends into Outer Piston rod.
This script will automatically create a piston object between the pivot points of two selected objects and link the piston rods to the chosen objects. Good for car shocks or robots etc.
For exact placement of piston you can create point objects to define where the piston will be and choose to create the piston between those points.
If you set up objects with spring constraints You can choose the spring controlled objects as the objects to create the piston between and the piston will be linked to them.
( see video tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff8MwfUHepE )
When the piston is initially created its Parent Nodes ( on either end of the piston ) are aligned to the Piston so moving the Piston Parent nodes in and out on there local axis will move the Piston straight in and out.
Category - Piston Builder
Robot - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCfY4Z6IEuY
Basic Use1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET2wicHJe40
Basic Use2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJXfBCkOzuY
Use with Springs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff8MwfUHepE
Complex Setups - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qd93zmrMHSs
Veoh ( higher res ) :
Robot - http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16389617KKShfGjM
Basic Use1 - http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16389783t2PHpj3N
Basic Use2 - http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16389789bbmkh8KH
Use with Springs- http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16389775zegPYbZ8
Attachment | Size |
Piston_Builder_1.zip | 3.27 KB |
Thankksss you save myy
Thankksss you save myy lifeee!! exelenttt in 3dmax8
You can do this without a
You can do this without a script if you can't get this to work (what I've been doing since Max R3) - and I'm not talking about the damper object in the dynamics. Simply use IK chains to connect several objects (w/ joints at base of piston and the pisto base, so to speak, and 2 bones in-between.) Then make sure they are restricted appropriately rotationwise (if at all), and take one of those 2 bones to which the piston is not attached - make it a sliding joint.
You can use something like a Animation -> IK Solver -> HI or HD solver to manipulate the rig.
All these IK-limiting controls can be found in Hierarchy tab of the Control Panel, near the Pivot stuff, in case you need that info.
You can also record your own script to avoid setting this up every time (using MaxScript Listener).
hope you find it useful.
hope you find it useful.
hi friend l want say thanks
hi friend l want say thanks . bcoz l can use it now.
l start it from userface. so every think is ok now. thanks again
Sorry to hear that. I don't
Sorry to hear that. I don't have much time these days but if I get some free time I will see if I can figure out what the problem might be.
In the meantime you can do manually what the script does automatically. To set up a piston object you need to create two cylinders , top and bottom, with their pivot points at the top of one of the cylinders and at the bottom of the other. Then you create a parent say a point for each and align them to the child cylinders pivot and link the cylinders to them. then you set the opposite parent as the look at of the opposite facing cylinder.
If you make one of these piston objects you could always keep it in a seperate file and merge it in when you need a new one and clone it also.
l cant open it anyway .
l cant open it anyway . There isnt any probem with other script but its have problem. when u run script some thing is get out or opening a window but l cant see anything when l run p.builder.
thanks too
Perhaps if possible could
Perhaps if possible could you describe for me the error that it is giving when you try to run or use it. Then I could take a look and see if I have any ideas on a solution.
Thank You.
hi its a very usefull script
its a very usefull script but l couldnt run it in max 9 .
somebody help me pls :)