3ds Max | MCG

MCG Blower

0 votes

Orig thread here:


Installation: (Max 2016 must have Extension 1/2 + SP3)


Then can be found in Create>Shapes>Vu

Donations: paypal.me/vusta

MCG Body Snatcher

1 vote

Need a hand ? Call the Body Snatchers... How about a head, arm...or leg...yeah you can model them from scratch...or just use these...



Then can be found in Create>Geo>Vu

No need to call the police, all body parts come from MakeHuman


MCG Bottler

0 votes

This is intended for beginners to study. It makes a basic bottle, the user can then finetune detail modelling with an Edit Poly. The MCG will still work below.

MCG BPM Float Controller

0 votes

BPM Float Controller so you can directly control something

ver 1.01: added control curve

MCG BPM Visualiser

0 votes

This is to help animators visualising BPM (beats per minute).

Modifier can be applied to any mesh object (or splines too). Will work independent of frame rate, ie. NTSC, PAL whatever...

MCG BraidGen

5 votes

Long story short, Braid tute from Kevin John, maxscripted by Trebor777, mentioned on MCG FB by Swordslayer....I reinterpreted it with my own eyes and MCG...cos I couldn't understand much maxscript...

Because of lots of twists and turns, I found the best way is to set the BraidGen Interpolation to 0, then use with a Sweep with Banking OFF, then TurboSmooth on top.

Ver 1.01: added Grow options, please see video.


1 vote

This MCG creates a bounding shape around your Spline. It was originally designed for splines...but you may use it for Mesh as well. This has the advantage over BBox as BBox cannot conform to the contours of your objects.

Installation: Scripting>Install Max Creation Graph...

Then can be found in Create>Shapes>Vu

Use it to obtain a 'footprint' of the object...or feed that footprint to Utility>Measure and get the length of the Bounding Shape.

MCG Bullet World

3 votes

MCG Bullet World is a rigid body physics simulation MCG tool using MCG Bullet Physics integration.

Tool is intended to be as user friendly as possible.
- Requires Max 2016 Extension 1 or newer.

MCG Camera Shutter Rig Cloner

1 vote

just helping out someone with another simple request...


Rig is extremely basic for illustration purposes.



Then can be found in modifier dropdown list.

MCG Cane Basket

8 votes

Installation: Scripting>Install Max Creation Graph...

A real basket case this....


simply make another basket, turn up side down..and there's your lid...

Ver 1.01: added Alt Every for different patterns

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