Dynamics Setup

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Date Updated: 
Darragh Duffy

This is a technical demonstration of the dynamic system used in our 3D Max based shows.

"Dynamics, in 3D animation, refers to a rigged system that moves secondary to a main object and usually does so automatically, where the animator can control certain characteristics to their liking. Real life representatives of this would be how the tail of a dog sways with its movement or how the feather of a quill dances as an author writes. Aspects of movement the animator would control in 3D would be things like how much the dynamic should sway and how rigid it would appear."

Please see the tutorial below and follow the link to a download of the free to use dynamics tool.



Application Version: 
3d Studio Max 2011/ 2012


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Igor Shumilov's picture

can't download the script

Hello Darragh!
Nice tutorial, but link for download Dynamic tool doesn't work. Could you fix it?

Thank you,

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