Tagged 'render'

Telegram Notifications

2 votes


A script for 3Ds Max that allows you to send messages to Telegram using a special bot.

It is possible to send a message about the completion of the rendering process with sending the rendered image.

This is convenient when you need to move away from the workplace, drink coffee or take a break from work. A message in Telegram will notify you when you need to go to the computer. You can also see the render result in the notification!



1 vote


The BlockRender one click region rendering plug-in, allows you to customize region rendering and view the results directly in the viewport, and save the rendered image automatically or manually.


[Main Functions]

--Customize region rendering and view results directly in viewports

--Automatic and manual image saving

sorry!I don't know where the script of the plug-in is. It will be uploaded later.

Assembly Tool

11 votes

Assembly Tool
is a massive set of useful scripts and tools gathered in one place! It is a real friend and permanent assistant in artists' daily work, which can help to work faster, more efficiently and more productive! Assembly Tool can help to optimize many areas of 3ds Max workflows, accelerate the performance of your work in 3ds Max in general and make it much easier and more fun!

Smart Camera View 3

1 vote

A major upgrade from Smart Camera View 2. While still sharing the same idea as previous version, version 3 actually has been completely rewritten from scratch, based on a brand new algorithm and workflow, for speed and performance, with a lot of new features. This script is intended to replace the default Camera View (C) in 3dsMax with many cool functions. 





3 votes

SnowEffect plugin poster

The plugin allows you to create a global snow effect for the whole scene. You can cover selected objects with snow with just a few clicks. SnowEffect supports V-Ray, Arnold, Corona, and scanline render natively. All other render engines will see it as standard material that you can modify or replace. You can also change the amount of snow and bump/displacement size.
Watch the trailer for more details.

CoronaCam Overscan

1 vote

Smart Camera View 2

0 votes

Smart Camera View 2.99 — FINAL UPDATE FOR VERSION 2

A major upgrade from Smart Camera View 1 (fomerly known as D95 Camera View), with many important additional features. This script is intended to replace the default Camera View (C) in 3dsMax with some cool functions. It will save you a lot of time when setting camera, especially in scenes that has multiple cameras with different aspect ratios.


2.99 | 10/01/2022

Render to Texture Selected

0 votes


Batch render to texture script ready for game engines. Bakes all selected objects or groups with one click, saves baked UV textures into a directory, and replaces materials on the objects! If you select a group, it attaches all group members together and bakes it as a single object. Each selected object will have its own texture as well as a group. Output standard material will have a white diffuse color (necessary for some game engines such as Unity3D).

==== CHANGELOG ====
-Fixed an issue with V-Ray

Camera Studio

1 vote


Camera Studio allows you to animate cameras much faster! You can create an orbit or spiral motion around selected objects with just 1 click and easily manipulate it. There is a number of other motion presets. Add shake to selected cameras when you need.
The motion path function allows you to create a seamless motion between several reference cameras (watch the video).


4 votes

Render Pass Manager for 3dsMax

We offer a free non-commercial version.

It is a render pass/generic task manager for 3dsMax. If you have used RPManager, LPass Manager, Prism, StateSet, Scene State. It is something like that. But, it is aiming to be a lot smarter, faster and more stable.