Telegram Notifications

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A script for 3Ds Max that allows you to send messages to Telegram using a special bot.

It is possible to send a message about the completion of the rendering process with sending the rendered image.

This is convenient when you need to move away from the workplace, drink coffee or take a break from work. A message in Telegram will notify you when you need to go to the computer. You can also see the render result in the notification!


Additional Info: 


  • Sending Telegram messages to a bot
  • Attaching the latest render to a message
  • Easy and clear setup for connecting a bot to Telegram
  • Customizing the type of messages with your own text
  • Templates Render Image, Scene Name, Local Time and others to automatically insert render image, scene name and local time...
  • Setting the minimum render time for sending messages
  • Auto start script on 3Ds Max startup (no interface)
  • Improved Corona Renderer support
  • Instant updates
  • Multi-language interface
  • API

Use cases:

Telegram Notifications is useful in situations where you need to move away from the computer - drink coffee, take a break from the monitor, go outside or leave the render for the night. You will always receive a notification about the end of the render and the message will come in a convenient form in Telegram. A picture of the last render will also be sent to you in a message to evaluate the intermediate version.

How to install, how to use and more info by link:



Version Requirement: 
Video URL: 
telegram-notifications-gif-1.0.8.gif500.03 KB


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MastaMan's picture


In 1.0.8 added API. More info by link:

MastaMan's picture

New ver

Thank you for your reply, I think it will be done in the next version. Thanks for the advice.

fajar's picture

a great idea

an API would be great if it can be integrated using another batch render script such as sergo batch render

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