Tagged 'Animation'

Animators Tool Kit (ATK)

9 votes

*NEW* Utilities in ATK 1.174
VIDEO 'Flippin' Flaps': One click animate the unfolding of your mesh faces.
VIDEO 'PathRig': Generate paths that are guided by target nodes, these paths can act as trajectories, path deforms or both.
TreeLinker': Link objects together by distance from an object to the next object.

Click the GIF for demos:


1 vote

Animation helper script to dynamically add animation ranges. By clicking on a stored range the active range is set back to the stored range. Right click on a stored range will play the animation as well (see screenshot).

The animation ranges are stored within the scene, no additional files are used. Animation sequence can be changed, exported or deleted.


9 votes

Keep track of your animation segments. The animation data is stored with your scene.


8 votes

Enhancement to MAX's Time Configuration & VCR functionality:
- Allows quick - convenient setting of animationRange start and stop times.
- NamedRanges can be stored for quick recall.
- NamedRanges can be saved/loaded for future use.
- VCR provides KeyStep and FrameStep modes (forward/backward).
- VCR allows Play/Play Selected - and VariableSpeed Play.


3 votes

Creates snapshots over a given time of the selected object. Similiar to the Snapshot Function in max - but a little bit handier ;) Great for getting an overall view of your animation

Apply Increment

3 votes

Allows you to store a single object's initial position and rotation values, then store the new values after moving and/or rotating and apply the calculated difference between these values (as a relative offset) to any selected objects with existing keys. Offsets can be applied to either position or rotations controllers or both. The offsets applied can also be inverted.


1. Select a single object and click Get Initial Values to record it's position and orientation values at that time.


5 votes

This script will add the skin modifier to the selected objects. Then the initial settings will be set.Finally the add bone dialog will then come up.


2 votes

"This script will add the skin modifier to the selected objects.Then the initial settings will be set.Finally the "Def" bones will be added to the skin modifier."

Armin Attribute Holder

3 votes


Why is it different?

this attribute holder is special because it automatically search for "Position", Rotation" and "custom attribues" in the selected objects and you don't have to Wire, or Copy/Paste those parameters that  you want to store one by one unlike "Pen_attribute_holder".

From Help


8 votes

"Allows you to attach editable meshes together while preserving any vertex animation within the editable meshes.
In order to create an editable mesh with vertex animation - either directly animate the vertices or use John Burnett's 'bake' script"

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