3ds Max | Tutorials

Rig / Animate tanks

1 vote

Hi everyone,

"Gearing" is a 3ds Max script, helpful by rigging and animating of tanks, excavators, dredges etc.
The new version supports automatic path following, acceleration / deceleration.
The script is commercial. I intend to add a demo to the new edition, however the 1 st version comes with a limited demo.
The next two tutorials introduce the script's basics.
If you take interest in this area you may watch them at:
1. (1 st version) http://youtu.be/LzhH0fY1Y0Q
2. (2 nd version) http://youtu.be/VPFjEXvReF4

Thanks for watching!

Setting up Ultra Edit as your Maxscript Editor

23 votes

This document is meant to get a person RAPIDLY set up to use Ultra Edit as a maxscript editor. This is made possible by a bridge created by Simon Feltman at Rezn8 studios. This bridge enables any third party editor to call internal Max functions. In our case, we will set up our text editor to call 3 internal Max functions, Evaluate, Open, and Encrypt.

3DS Max - Hidden features - 2D drawing aid - Polar / ortho Snapping

1 vote

3DS Max Vray menus / quad menus disappeared fix

0 votes

In this video we will learn how to restore vray menus and quad menus that disappear sometimes. It's all done using the Maxscript Listener and one simple command that you type and run.

BackBurner monitor undocumented cmd switches

67 votes

In case you run multiple backburner managers (e.g. on notebook at several places or using local manager and manager in office) it is good idea to have icons for automatic connecting monitor to the different manager hosts.

I've found two working command line parameters for monitor.exe:

monitor -a
monitor -mservername

First one turns "Auto connect" on. Second one sets manager hostname and connects to it. (Note: There is no space between -m and hostname or ip)

Creating a Custom Parametric Object with MAXScript

59 votes

Quoted from article:

"It’s one thing to create simple scripts with MAXScript to display a rollout and perform a few tasks. But if you find yourself creating the same type of object over and over again, you might want to take a crack at creating your own parametric object.

Dynamics Setup

1 vote

This is a technical demonstration of the dynamic system used in our 3D Max based shows.

How to quickly create a Car Rig using XrayCat Survival Toolkit 1.0

2 votes

We'll demonstrate an easier and intuitive way to associate reactions to the controls of a rig, using only XrayCAT ST instead of Reaction Manager.

Tutorial sections:
- Basic rig structure creation
- States definition using CAT layers and JoyCreator
- Conclusion: animation test of the car rig

New Maxscript Tutorial Series - Beginner to Intermediate by Kevin Harper.

2 votes

Hey Scrip Spot.

I created a tutorial series for Max Script for 3ds max artists that starts at the very begging. I wanted people with no knowledge of programming to be able to write tools for max.

Here it is. Enjoy! http://angryarray.servegame.com/

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