Tagged 'Material'

Content Browser

2 votes

The Content Browser helps you quickly browse and import 3D assets on your computer.

Load any folder accessible on your machine and the Content Browser will find any materials, hdri’s, models, and max files. It will group, organize and display these files as assets, recognizing previews, LODs, mapping channels, resolutions and other important information automatically. 

It simplifies the importing and merging process for 3d models, max files, material creation and hdri environment maps by allowing you to directly browse, filter and drag all of your 3D assets from sources like MegaScans, PolyHaven, gameTextures, Poliigon, Arroway into 3ds max viewport or material editor. 

Main Features

  • Load any folder and find 3D models, max files, materials and hdri’s.
  • Show grouped files as assets, group matching assets and find preview images.
  • Drag and Drop asset into the 3ds max viewport or the Slate Material Editor
  • Import assets to Slate and Compact Material Editors
  • Default Merge and Import 3d files and max scenes, with automatic relinking filepaths
  • Choose LODs/resolution/variations and Import multiple assets at once
  • Folder hierarchy, File list and Preview Gallery

Vray To Unity OneClick Converter

1 vote

Script for automatic conversion 3ds Max scene with V-ray renderer to Unity Engine (HDRP and URP).

Documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19XJjX2VO_rHNIj4ZDcKPlwhYR0FFi8a77FyG...

Скрипт по автоматической конвертации сцены из 3ds Max V-ray в Unity (HDRP и URP)

Документация на русском : https://docs.google.com/document/d/122-TyKZj-STQIXhajocWSvXzTZeeRxgscq3P...

https://u3d.gumroad.com/l/3dsmaxVray2unityPRO PRO version without texture size limit.

Telegram Support Channel https://t.me/OneClickExporter

VrayMtl Color Correction

0 votes

This script is intended to add and tweak settings of Color correction nodes for VrayMtl.

You can add some Color correction with any specified values on any selected material slot (Diffuse, Bump, Clossiness, Scatter color, Self Illumination),the existing bitmaps will be kept inside the color correct.

You can change any parameter afterward.

i've added some randomization to each parameter.

VrayMtl Copy Maps

0 votes

This script is intended to batch copy from slot to slot within the same material.

For example, you can copy the bump map to The displacement map or the diffuse map to the selfillumination map on multiple material at once.

You can copy the diffuse map to the bump or the Glossiness map and use my other script to add color correction with saturation  set to -100 and adjust other settings to fit your needs.

Corona Copy Material Slot

0 votes

This is only for Corona Physical Materials, i might do a legacy version later..

This script is intended to batch copy from slot to slot within the same material,

For example, you can copy a bump map to a displacement map or the diffuse map to selfillumination on multiple material at once.

you can use my other script to add some color correction with a saturation set to -1, to create bump or roughness maps from your diffuse map.

miauu's Materials Reducer

2 votes

Names Fixer

0 votes

A Script for Replacing Chinese and illegal Characters from (Objects-Materials-Maps-Modifiers-layers) Names .

PS: Undo Disabled , So its Better to Save your Work Before Running the Script .

For Replacing Texture Names you can use Pop Chinese Script

UPDATE 1.1 :

  • Change the script name to "Names Fixer"  .
  • Add Fix for Names Sequences , ("Group464134564" will be fixed to normal sequence "Group023")


3 votes

SnowEffect plugin poster

The plugin allows you to create a global snow effect for the whole scene. You can cover selected objects with snow with just a few clicks. SnowEffect supports V-Ray, Arnold, Corona, and scanline render natively. All other render engines will see it as standard material that you can modify or replace. You can also change the amount of snow and bump/displacement size.
Watch the trailer for more details.

Batch Import Convert

1 vote

3DSMax Script for Importing Selected Type Files from Folder +Subfolders and Save them as Max Files +Version ,

with Option to Grab Viewport Preview .


Attach Selected

0 votes

3dsMax Script for Attaching Selected Objects .

- Works on Geometries and Shapes .

- The First Selected Object will be the Main Object .

Sometimes when using Other Scripts for Attaching Objects you get wrong materials when containing Multi Sub Materials , So I made this Script to solve this Problem .

- After Installing , the script will be add to QuadMenu 1 (RightClick Menu) "Attach Selected" .