Tagged 'maxscript'

Light Table

7 votes

Tool for animators to display ghosts/onionskin of selected objects, like in 2d animation software

(Inspired by TVPaint's light table)

OutFiler file browser

7 votes

Now it's free.

The OutFiler is a simple but powerful file browser inside 3dsmax that completely replaces standard save/load/save selected/merge/import/export dialogs. I believe folder tree much more comfortable and transparent.

The OutFilers provides the ability to quickly find the necessary folders, save the history of movements along them with back/next buttons and recent list and the favorite paths for quick access to working scenes.

3DS Max - Copy Paste Objects Between Scenes

7 votes

This is a script I created to help the user in copying and pasting
objects between multiple opened 3DS Max scenes.
Under the hood, it's a quick merge operation that is done without
Any prompt. If there is a name conflict, the coming object will be renamed. Also if there is a material's name conflict, the coming object
will preserve its own material but the material will be renamed.

MaxScript Navigator

6 votes

This tool simply helps organize, run, and edit your maxScripts more quickly. Quickly create a menu of your favorite scripts. Then place this menu anywhere you choose in the max. To change the currently selected name in the list. Just type in the top text box and press enter. Note that the .ms file name remains unchanged if you do this.

See my site for installation details

Advanced Bend Modifier

6 votes

A maxscript that gives the user more control over the bend modifier
It lets the user input a width and the script will move the center to get the correct width


- uses smart snap to snap to a custom grid
- easily choose angle and direction
- apply new bend modifier with correct offset
- auto update current bendmodifier with selected settings
- realtime update of all settings!
- support for all 4 directions and 4 angles (90 180 270 360)
- choose your final width
- modify multiple selections at same time
- snap position to grid

Object Properties 2.0

6 votes

A non-modal Object Properties window, very simliar to the original one in 3dsmax but this allows you to change selection with the dialog open!  It also has the VRayProperties window included so you don't have to switch dialogs when setting up passes. (Needs updating for VRay 3.0+) There is also a MaxScript tab which shows you loads of information about the object you have select and this is really powerful for learning to script!

Modifiers Clipboard

5 votes

Clipboard for modifiers.

!!! UPDATE !!!

MaxLINQ - LINQ functions for maxScripters

5 votes

MaxLINQ tool is intended to be a way to use inside maxscript language sweet predefined functions, similar to those in C# LINQ, through an easy lambda-style expressions syntax, concatenating functions after functions.

You can query arrays, strings, maxscript enumerables (objectSet, bitArray, groups, pathnames...) and DotNet IEnumerables.Moreover, it includes  specific functions for maxObjects.

It can be used both in your own scripts or directly in the 3dsMax Listener.

Some intuitive simple examples are:


Mesh Insert

5 votes

Mesh Insert is a new 3dsmax plugin inspired from Polystein for Modo ( http://pushingpoints.com/v2/the-pushing-points-polystein-kit-for-modo/ ). It speeds up your modeling process by replacing face selections by an asset from your library.

Features :


5 votes

This MAXScript will help you to build snowflake of editable_poly objects in 3dsMax.

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