Tagged 'fbx'

cHaNTool - Multi_Export_Converter_Ver2.0

1 vote

Export FBX to Unreal

3 votes

Designed specifically for Unreal workflow, this script provides a quick way to export scene data with minimal interaction with scene objects.

The script will quickly export static meshes and their existing collisions, skeletal meshes or skeletal animations using the FBX format.


See online guide in links section. 



Latest Updates:

Version 2.4;

3ds MAX to UE4 FBX Scene Export

6 votes

Here's a script that I've had tucked away for a looong while now.

Biped (.bip) Animation Batch Retargeting & FBX export

4 votes

This script was made to retarget animations so that changes could be made to the biped's proportions throughout production.

I made this for making my life easier between Max and Unity (though it could be used in any max-based pipeline). Unfortunately Unity has no native retargeting, unless your team is using Mecanim.

Max to Fusion

4 votes

Bake selected scene objects and export an FBX file which can be loaded into Eyeon Fusion to assist with compositing. Offers greater control and flexibility than the standard FBX exporter.




New Features suggested by Colin James at Blur Studios

UDK FBXporter

2 votes

This is a script the keeps track of "ExportSets" for UDK. It stores what object should be exported, and with what settings. It greatly speeds up the process of exporting to FBX for UDK, as you don't have to select anything and there's no export dialog anymore!
Right now it only supports Static Meshes and SkeletalMeshes, I might add animation in the future.

This is a macroscript that appears in the "FBX Export Sets" category. It should already have an icon if you place it on a toolbar.

Batch Preview Renderer

4 votes

The script searches for files in a given directory and renders a preview from the files found.
Ideal if you have a lot of model library and you dont know the content of the files.

Layer Manager to files Exporter

6 votes

A simple tool designed for 3d modelers to save time on exporting multiple objects and to allow them the freedom to continue working in one max file. Script allows exporting to the following formats using the layer manager: FBX,OBJ,3DS,ASE, and separate max files.

MASS File Exporter

7 votes


Maxscript to Batch Export Files to selected Format from a set of 3dsmax files.


66 votes

Bippy is a tool for converting FBX bone data onto a 3ds Max Biped and offeres serveral tools to help optimize this conversion pipline.
Its perfect for motion capture data when the client needs the data in a biped format.

The script in action:

The script in action


The Script's feature list includes: