3ds Max | Tutorials

3DS Max - Link Sub Object Elements To An Object

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In this tutorial, we will see how we can bind sub-object elements to an external object using a modifier called Linked XForm, so that when modifying the transforms of this object the sub-object elements will be affected. We will three different scenarios where this modifier can be useful. Of course, you can think of different scenarios of your own. Also, we will see how we can animate the external objects and have the sub-object elements animated without really creating any keyframes for them.

3DS Max - Edit Poly - Different Usage For Animate

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In this tutorial, we will see how we can use the Animate feature in the Edit Poly modifier so that we can, after adding another modifier on top of it, go back and change some of the values of the parameters, like for example, Bevel, Extrude, Inset, etc,...

3DS Max - Group Clone Instance Controller

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In this video, we will see how, when cloning a Group, we can instance the transforms of objects inside the groups. Also, starting from minute 2:08, we will see how we can make the transforms unique again, to avoid issues when, for example, trying to detach an object from a group while its transforms are instanced.

Lesson 14 - 3DS Max - Total Beginners - Intro To TurboSmooth - Part 2

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In this second part of the TurboSmooth modifier's series, we will learn how to use the Smoothing groups option to constrain the smoothing in a certain direction. Also, how can add a second TurboSmooth after that to create a kind of fillet between the polygons.

Lesson 13 - 3DS Max - Total Beginners - Intro To TurboSmooth - Part 1

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In this tutorial, we will learn about TurboSmooth modifier, what's for, how it works, how to use support edges to constraint the smoothing to specific parts of the model, and finally a quick explanation of why professionals recommend keeping your polygons as quads(= 4-sided polygons).

3DS Max - Tip - Propagate Materials To Instances

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In this tutorial, we will see how to apply the same material to a collection of instances without the need to select them all in the scene.

Lesson 12 - 3DS Max - Total Beginners - 2D Shapes - Part 6 - Cross Section

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In this video, we will learn about this nice feature inside the 2D shapes called Cross Section, where you can create a cross-section between existing splines sub-object levels. Also, we will see how we can create a surface from these cross-sections by adding a Surface modifier and explaining some of its parameters

3DS Max - Tip - Symmetry Mirror - Rotation Transform Lost

2 votes

This tutorial will deal with the issue of losing the Rotation transforms done on the Mirror gizmo of the Symmetry modifier.

Kinetic Wave Sculpture | 3dsMax Tutorial

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In this tutorial I explain how to do in 3ds Max, the animation system or RIG of the "Kinetic Wave Toy" → https://youtu.be/F6MTOZWviAU

A step-by-step tour of all the techniques and tricks, where we also see many important concepts that every 3D animator or generalist should know.

From the basic 3D modeling of the RIG to the animation and programming of a User Interface (UI) with MAXScript, which will allow us to easily access all the parameters we need to explore the full power of a small parametric mechanical animation system.

How to ativate English subtitles: ️Configuration / Subtitles / Spanish (automatically generated) / Automatic Translation / English

Null Objects Cleaner

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This is a 3ds max video tutorial to show you clean null ( empty ) Objects from your 3ds max scene.

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