Tagged 'bake'

IES from Caustics Generator

4 votes

The script for easy render of the caustic from the lamps. Calculation of caustic takes a long time.

I have decided that you can bake a caustic in IES-files and thus make the caustic effect it deceptive for a large number of fixtures in the scene.

Audioflow SplineSync

111 votes



V-MOTION - Audioflow SplineSync // 3-Dimensional Audio-Synchronized Spline Generator


Developed by Ian Clemmer http://www.ianclemmer.com

UV 2 Mesh

73 votes

Converts your object(s)'s UV-Map to an Editable Poly or Mesh, also supports the creation of a "Bakingplane" to enable a faster workflow for planar highPoly modeling.

After some requests i decided to put it up as a standalone, have phun.

Bake Verts Animation

14 votes

Might work for one vertice, if not I'll put up another which works for just one as well.
There are probably already a dozen scripts like this up here, but this is one I wrote just to track a dummy to each vertice I specify. Lots of reasons to use it, track an object to some point cache animation etc.

Max to Fusion

4 votes

Bake selected scene objects and export an FBX file which can be loaded into Eyeon Fusion to assist with compositing. Offers greater control and flexibility than the standard FBX exporter.




New Features suggested by Colin James at Blur Studios


1 vote

A much simpler version of "Simplygon". Script created to convert multi draw call characters into single draw call characters. Uses buit in 3ds max automated uv packing, and skinwrap to transfer skin data from many objects into one final object. Bakes new diffuse map out of all the diffuse maps the source model contained.


0 votes


Bakes the transform of one object to another. There is an option to auto-generate a point helper to bake.

There are options for baking within a specific time range and only baking Nth frames.







-1 vote


Reduces the keyframes on animation controllers while maintaining overall animation.

Best when used on animation controllers that have been baked out on every frame.


1 vote




Added additional options for baking and point helper display


Bakes out a point helper to each object in your selection.

If you have objects that are point cached or have WSM modifiers, then use the "Bake with Attachment Constraint" option.


1 vote


Bakes cameras per frame with optional transform, and optional frame range buffer.

By default this bakes the camera in World Space which is generally what you want. There is an option to bake the camera in Parent space if you check the box "Bake camera in selected objects space".



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