Tagged 'Poly'

Subdivision Reversion

106 votes

Subdivision Reversion will recreate the subdivision levels of an already subdivided mesh with 100% precision maintaining the UVs.
It's wide variety of subdision algoritms help artist get the right look and feel on their models.

miauu's Edge Cutter

79 votes


Version 1.6 - added installator. Now the script is properly installed in OS: Windows VIsta, 7, 8

Version 1.5 - added Compact UI mode - idea by @Silix

Version 1.4 - added support for 3ds max 2012.

UV 2 Mesh

73 votes

Converts your object(s)'s UV-Map to an Editable Poly or Mesh, also supports the creation of a "Bakingplane" to enable a faster workflow for planar highPoly modeling.

After some requests i decided to put it up as a standalone, have phun.

Straighten Edge

69 votes

Straighten Edge – MAX script, allows to project and after it to place selected vertex/edges on the given straight line on the Editable Poly object, Edit Poly modifier and Editable Spline & Line objects.

Quick Isolate Object

66 votes

With this useful and funny script, you can isolate in a ListBox, the category object in Geometry, Shape, Light, Helper, Camera and Space Warp in the viewport.  We can select, rename and count the items in the scene.  Useful in many work situation.


Polygon Creator

63 votes

This script is very useful for car exterior modelling. It allows you to create really smooth polygonal surface using splines or NURBS curves to control the shape of the surface. Also allows you to control the edge loops of the surface. With this script you have to draw only the borders of the surface you want. Watch the video or the help page for more information!

Skip Every N-th

61 votes

Skip every vert/edge/face. In Loop mode, you can skip edges and polygons. In Ring mode you can skip vertices,edges and polygons. To make poly loop select 3 faces(the middle one is starting face), check PolyLoop checkbox, set "Skip V-E-P" spinner to value greater then 2 and start skiping. You can't skip one face, only 2 or more. Ring mode does not have this limitation. "For Steps" spinner works only with edges. If you want to skip every 2 edges five times, set "Skip" spinner to 2 and "For Steps" spinner to 5. Instalation: Drag-n-drop SkipEveryNthVEPRingLoop.mzp to 3ds max.


49 votes

lscm unwrap integrated for max5.1 and up

After seeing the max8 peltmapping vids - and doing a bit research on
the topic - I found that wings3d and blender already have nice
automatic unwrappers - using the same technique called LSCM. This
maxscript/plugin combo implements the technique based on blender3d. It
allows the user to mark edges as uv seams and run the automatic unwrap.


43 votes

Visual Pivot Placer

38 votes

The image above says all. :)

Places the pivot of the selected object/s in one of the red colored circle.

For Editable Poly object/s you can place the pivot in the center of selected vert/s. edge/s, face/s.

Click with LMB on one of the red circle will tread all selected objects as one and the pivots of all objects will be in the same place.

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