Kitbasher 3dsMax

9 votes
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This plugin for 3ds Max gives users the power to quickly integrate existing 3D models into meshes. The users are provided with a variety of options and settings to fine-tine the look and feel of their model with real time updating.

1.2.0 Features
+ Distribute per cluster or per face
+ Over 150 free brushes
+ Mirroring options
+ Auto scaling to fit within selected faces
+ Multi-Select support in browser
+ Improved conform to curved surfaces
+ Respects modifiers like Turbosmooth in the stack
+ Supports undo and redo
+ Relax edge support for connected edges
+ Smoothing group blending
+ Respects UV’s and Material id’s
+ Added ‘reset’ option to reset all values to defaults
+ Added XYZ rotation and position controls
+ Improved auto thumbnail generation
+ Search by number of edges

1.0.0 Features
+ Real-time updates
+ Conform to curved surfaces
+ Customizable folder structure for brush organization
+ Packaged and shareable brush assets
+ Auto thumbnail generation and brush publishing
+ Resizable interface
+ Searching support
+ Retains edge flowloop
+ Transformation options
+ Welds both equal and non equal edge counts for water tight blending

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jahman's picture

ban the bots

These all are bots registered the same day to leave a single 'wonderful' comment.
david8, Rona Miy, patrick walt, stephen shott, jeffrey93, larry000x, timothy phen, jason dan anthony91

I did check only the 1st page of comments so there're probably more bots.
If anyone cares.

david8's picture

cool script

cool script

Rona Miy's picture

useful script

useful script

mike987's picture

Best script for all times

Best script for all times

patrick walt's picture

very cool script

very cool script

stephen shott's picture

Best scipt

Best scipt

jeffrey93's picture

amazing script

amazing script

larry000x's picture



timothy phen's picture



jason dan's picture



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