Tagged 'scale'


44 votes

Scale tool coded as modifier plugin


DesignToolBox - tools for architecture & design

4 votes

Design Toolbox is a collection of tools specially designed to accelerate and simplify basic modeling tasks for architectural models, furniture design, and other tasks where accurate modeling is needed. Professionals used to CAD or precision software will find it very familiar with some of the included transformation tools, like reference rotation, scale and position, measurement tools and reference guides.

The ability to place snapping points at polylines intersections, visual rulers, fast UVW mapping and random transform, cloning tools, scene management, panel grids, fast pivot placement, and workplanes are some of the tools included, and new ones are added with each update.

Doom Spline Resizer - draw line with precise lenght

3 votes

This simple script will let you draw precise lines quickly almost as a CAD software!
It will Set the pivot to the first vertex of a shape object and align it to the first segment. A window will show up allowing to set the Lengh of a spline scaling from the first vertex.

You can find the mcr script in the Category:"_Scripts"
The .ms script will just load on RUN

For best use associate the script to a Key button (es. D that is free by default)
You can add a toolbar button found in "# Scripts" category
Use the key or press the toolbar button to start drawing a line

Mass Randomizer

56 votes

Mass Randomizer 1.9

The ability to Randomize

Pro Transform

1 vote

A Script for applying interactive transform on selected object.

Maxscript | Scale,Rotate Reference

5 votes

Scale Rotate


This Script will allow you to Rotate and\or Scale and Move an object based on two source picks to a destination two picks similar to align command in autocad !


Run script or drag and drop to 3ds max, then go to customize user interface and assign it as keyboard shortcut or quad menu under "3D_RnD" Category

it works with :

   - Single objects selected

Graph Transform

5 votes

a 3dsMax Script for Applying Transform to Objects By Controlling Graph Curve.

Rapid Resize Modifier

8 votes

Scripted Modifier that extends the Xform Modifer.   Allows you to non-desctructively scale objects to precise real world dimensions.  Works on both single and multiple objects.

Version 1.4:  Fixed a major bug related to opening scenes that have the modifier in use where a script error would occur.  Pivot offsets are now stored and loaded with the scene.  Thanks to Yue Fan for reporting the bug.

World Scale UV Tiling

4 votes

I have a material library in Unreal that uses real-world values to calculate how much they should tile.

I needed the ability to apply any material to any mesh in Unreal, including custom unwrapped ones, and have the materials be at the same scale. This script solves that issue.

If I wanted to solve this manually:


16 votes

Dimensionize the current vertex-selection of your object, undo is possible.

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