Tagged 'script'

Overnight Batch Render

3 votes

SubSpline 3dsmax script - banner

Full rendering job while you sleep!



Overnight Batch Render is a simple yet powerful batch rendering tool for 3dsMax, capable to process multiple scene files sequentially on a single computer.

Batch Export/Import

30 votes

This is a free script, for non commercial use.

This is the perfect script to transfer your models from 3ds Max to ZBrush/Unity/UDK/...
Basically it batch exports objects to multiple files.
Supported formats : max, obj, fbx, 3ds, ase, dwf, dwg, dxf, dae, nif.

MZP Maker

0 votes

MZP Maker it's the perfect tool when you're in a hurry and just need to package your script.


Object-Bound Camera Clipping

1 vote


Adds additional controls to the selected camera for driving clipping planes using objects in the scene.

Object-Bound Camera Clipping 3ds Max script


Camera Clipping Pro

0 votes

Camera Clippping Pro 3dsMax plugin by SplineDynamics


Camera Clipping Pro adds special controls to the camera for driving clipping planes using objects in the scene and auto-adjusting the focal length to retain the same framming while you move the camera closer or further away from the target.

Delete Unselected

0 votes

Delete all non-selected objects in 3dsMax scene, including hidden and frozen ones, leaving just the ones you need in the scene.

This simple script is very handy when you need to re-save only one or a few models from a complex scene, but keeping all the scene setups. It’s also good for exporting objects to external software that requires scene data from 3dsMax.

Multimaterial from Files

0 votes

The script lets you pick multiple image files from your drive and creates one material per file, with the image assigned as diffuse texture, and builds a multimaterial with all of them. Then assigns the multimaterial to the selected objects.

Script Box

3 votes

Script Box optimizes your scripting workflow by creating a dynamic dialog menu for Maxscript files.

Simplify installation and execution of Maxscripts by selecting any folder and get a menu that can launch external MaxScripts without adding custom buttons. Freely organize and integrate macroScripts, plugins, utilies and regular scripts inside 3ds max without going through a set of complicated steps.

The current version is free with no limitations, offering the same functionality as the paid version. Future updates are exclusive to paid users.

Main Features

  • Dynamic dialog menu 
  • Execute MaxScripts from any folder
  • Multi-threaded file loading
  • Organized by macroScript, plugin, utility and regular scripts
  • Configure buttons and minimize UI
  • Custom tooltips with aditional information
  • Create, archive and open MaxScripts
  • Dock, resize, and collapse dialogs
  • Launch on start-up


21 votes

v3.07 Added fix for detached detach geometry if the source object had incorrect mesh issues.
Добавлено исправление отсоединённой detach-геометрии, если в исходном объекте были проблемы некорректной сетки.

Using single hotkey for Attach/Detach
Используя единственную горячую кнопку для Attach/Detach


0 votes

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