Tagged '3dsmax'

Overnight Batch Render

3 votes

SubSpline 3dsmax script - banner

Full rendering job while you sleep!



Overnight Batch Render is a simple yet powerful batch rendering tool for 3dsMax, capable to process multiple scene files sequentially on a single computer.

3DS Max - Plugin - ZoomExtSelFix

1 vote

In this update, the script will work on sub-object selections. Also, a bug in the first version is fixed, when you switch to another mode other than the Modify Panel, the first version gives an error, this is fixed now in this 1.5 version.
To recap on why this plugin:
The default Zoom Extents Selected tool in Max has an issue when you're in a sub-object level but no sub-object element is selected, pressing Z(the default shortcut) causes Max to Zoom Extents on the whole scene instead of the selected object.

3DS Max - Plugin - [UPDATE] - CopyPaste V1.5

1 vote

This is an update for the CopyPaste plugin. This plugin allows you to copy and paste geometry between opened 3DS Max files, of course, in the same file too. This version includes a few additional features. The most important one is the ability to copy and paste using a base point. Also, there is a button that allows you to clear the cache file to save space on the hard drive. And, lastly, a Status section that gives you feedback whenever you perform an action. Please check the demo video for an in-depth explanation.

3DS Max - Plugin - ZoomExtSelFix

0 votes

This plugin is intended to replace the built-in Zoom Extents Selected. The reason is that the built-in feature doesn't work the way it should in many cases as you'll see in the video and instead of zooming in on the selected object, it zooms out to show the whole scene.

Quick Clouds Generator

1 vote

QUICK CLOUDS GENERATOR is a script that is efficient in automatically creating sun/ sky & clouds in 3dsMax. It can be applied flexibly in Archviz projects while saving a lot of time for 3D Artist.

.: Compatible with 3dsMax 2018 & higher

.: Compatible with V-Ray 6 & Corona Renderer 9 & higher

.: Compatible with System Units: Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters, Inches & Feet

.: Version: 2.0

.: Author: Wuan Hyu

If you have any comments or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us via email: [email protected]

We will respond as soon as possible.


Object-Bound Camera Clipping

1 vote


Adds additional controls to the selected camera for driving clipping planes using objects in the scene.

Object-Bound Camera Clipping 3ds Max script


Camera Clipping Pro

0 votes

Camera Clippping Pro 3dsMax plugin by SplineDynamics


Camera Clipping Pro adds special controls to the camera for driving clipping planes using objects in the scene and auto-adjusting the focal length to retain the same framming while you move the camera closer or further away from the target.

3DS Max - Plugin [Update] Isolate By Material v2.5

0 votes

This is a second update for the Isolate By Material plugin. This update brings a huge increase in speed, especially in those scenes where you have a huge amount of groups and nested groups. What this plugin does is, you select a single object, then use the script to isolate all objects with the same material, and if the selected object has no material applied, it will warn you of that, if you click Yes you will isolate all objects with no materials applied to them, which is useful if you forgot to apply materials to some objects, the script will help you to discover that.

Custom Align

3 votes

This script is intended to align objects with a given spacing. You can randomnize position and scale and choose between object center or object base, you can also align to min and max, this is especially useful for randomizing books on shelves or any similar task like populating supermarket shelves or if you have to evenly space any objects.

Camera Array

0 votes


Quickly create an array of cameras from the vertex normals of a mesh or spline.


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