Tagged 'object'


8 votes

QuadSphere is an Object Plugin that creates spheres made of quads, which are useful for low polygon modeling and mesh subdivision.

Unlike TurboSmooth, with QuadSphere you can specify a level of subdivisions that is not power of 2. Another advantage is that the areas of the faces are more evenly distributed than using a Box with TurboSmooth.

Additionally you can unify the Materials IDs, create hemispheres with or without caps, and convert the object to poly with a single click.

miauu's Extended Clone Tool

2 votes


miauu's Extended Clone Tool adds new options to the standard Clone Options dialog.

The main goal - save time using these features:

- move the created objects to a new layer,

- move the created objects into existing layer


21 votes

v3.07 Added fix for detached detach geometry if the source object had incorrect mesh issues.
Добавлено исправление отсоединённой detach-геометрии, если в исходном объекте были проблемы некорректной сетки.

Using single hotkey for Attach/Detach
Используя единственную горячую кнопку для Attach/Detach

Universal Select By

9 votes

Furniture maxscript plugin

5 votes

FurnitureEdit: Demo version is available on our download page.

Furniture is a collection of four scripts for 3ds max that makes easier creation of furniture elements within 3ds max software package.Furniture plugin consists of four sub-scripts with which you can easily create, modify and manipulate:

 - cabinets with doors,

 - cabinets with drawers,

 - combined cabinets,

 - shelfs (vertical or horizontal)

by Albero Art

Kitchen Cabinet Creator

156 votes


Kitchen Cabinet Creator is a script for 3ds Max which is intended to automate process of making kitchen cabinets.

Version 1.01 is available.

Cabinet Creator
Albero Art Studio


6 votes

Using single one hotkey of Chamfer, works with:
Используя единственную горячую кнопку для Chamfer, работает с:
Edit_Poly: [Vertices, Edges, Faces(inset)] 
Editable_poly: [Vertices, Edges, Faces(inset)] 
Edit_mesh: [Vertices, Edges] 
Editable_mesh: [Vertices, Edges] 
Edit_Spline: [knots (Fillet), 
Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 
SplineShape: [knots (Fillet), Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 
line: [knots (Fillet), 
Spline sub-obj (Outline)] 

Object Rename

4 votes

Object Rename


Replacement for the Max renamer with added functionality.

Greater control of adding / removing characters and number suffixes, added find / replace, case change and quick selection by name features, all with undo.

Includes explanatory tooltips.


3 votes

Placer is a 3ds max script to help you to place objects on a suraface. In this Script you can pic the ground model ( the geometry on that you will transport the chosen objects ), select to turn on, or off the record the animation of your objects and Start the placement process.

Script category: “#todorScripts”.

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

IDs Finder

1 vote

With this script you can Find what kind of object and material IDs you have in your scene.

- the Buttons „to zero" reset all material and object IDs
- random object ID
- select the objects with one special ID

Script category: “#todorScripts”

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

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