Tagged 'max'

miauu's Tab Panel

1 vote


miauu's Tab Panel allows you to organize all of your toolbars into tabs.

What you can do:

Set 3ds Max window Size & Position

0 votes

With this script you can set the position and size(in pixels) of 3ds Max window.



How to install:

drag and drop the miauuSet3dsMaxSizeAndPos.ms onto any 3ds max viewport.

Go to Customize -> Customize User Interface -> miauu category and you will find the "Set 3ds Max Size and Pos" script.


4 votes

TurboTriSmooth is a modifier for 3ds Max that subdivides triangle meshes while producing smoother results and nicer topology than the standard TurboSmooth. It can be used on triangulated models, cloth, scans, decimated meshes, fluid simulations, terrain or on any triangle mesh. Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/turbotrismooth

Clothify Pro

4 votes

Clothify Pro is a modifier for 3ds Max that makes modeling and animating cloth easy, controllable, artist-friendly, fast and non-destructive.
Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/clothify-pro

Batch Loader

75 votes

Quick Merge/Import multiple files.

UI v.1.7


  • Merge multiple .MAX files
  • Import multiple .* files (ie all that can be imported)!
  • Log all files where failed to load to Listener (if any)
  • Multiple history for recent used paths available
  • Limit count of recent paths to keep in history added
  • Group option available
  • Layer option available
  • Attach option available
  • "Auto" option (if is checked no prompt for Merge/Import) *


16 votes


Pose Manager

Auto Overlap

Auto Skin

Contrast Pro

2 votes

Contrast Pro is a modifier for 3ds Max that enhances the details of 3d models. It allows you to quickly add contrast to whole models or to highlight only some specific areas. Areas with large and small polygons can be set to receive the same amount of contrast with the "Uniform" option. Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/contrast-pro

Content Browser

2 votes

The Content Browser helps you quickly browse and import 3D assets on your computer.

Load any folder accessible on your machine and the Content Browser will find any materials, hdri’s, models, and max files. It will group, organize and display these files as assets, recognizing previews, LODs, mapping channels, resolutions and other important information automatically. 

It simplifies the importing and merging process for 3d models, max files, material creation and hdri environment maps by allowing you to directly browse, filter and drag all of your 3D assets from sources like MegaScans, PolyHaven, gameTextures, Poliigon, Arroway into 3ds max viewport or material editor. 

Main Features

  • Load any folder and find 3D models, max files, materials and hdri’s.
  • Show grouped files as assets, group matching assets and find preview images.
  • Drag and Drop asset into the 3ds max viewport or the Slate Material Editor
  • Import assets to Slate and Compact Material Editors
  • Default Merge and Import 3d files and max scenes, with automatic relinking filepaths
  • Choose LODs/resolution/variations and Import multiple assets at once
  • Folder hierarchy, File list and Preview Gallery

miauu's Batch Save/Export OBJ/FBX/3DS/MAX as OBJ/FBX/3DS/MAX files

6 votes



Batch save or export selected .obj, .fbx, .3ds or .max files an .obj, .fbx, .3ds, .max files.


3 votes

Placer is a 3ds max script to help you to place objects on a suraface. In this Script you can pic the ground model ( the geometry on that you will transport the chosen objects ), select to turn on, or off the record the animation of your objects and Start the placement process.

Script category: “#todorScripts”.

You can see an example here, how to install my script per Drag and Drop:

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