Tagged 'plugin'


44 votes

Scale tool coded as modifier plugin


Object-Bound Camera Clipping

1 vote


Adds additional controls to the selected camera for driving clipping planes using objects in the scene.

Object-Bound Camera Clipping 3ds Max script


Camera Clipping Pro

0 votes

Camera Clippping Pro 3dsMax plugin by SplineDynamics


Camera Clipping Pro adds special controls to the camera for driving clipping planes using objects in the scene and auto-adjusting the focal length to retain the same framming while you move the camera closer or further away from the target.

Script Box

3 votes

Script Box optimizes your scripting workflow by creating a dynamic dialog menu for Maxscript files.

Simplify installation and execution of Maxscripts by selecting any folder and get a menu that can launch external MaxScripts without adding custom buttons. Freely organize and integrate macroScripts, plugins, utilies and regular scripts inside 3ds max without going through a set of complicated steps.

The current version is free with no limitations, offering the same functionality as the paid version. Future updates are exclusive to paid users.

Main Features

  • Dynamic dialog menu 
  • Execute MaxScripts from any folder
  • Multi-threaded file loading
  • Organized by macroScript, plugin, utility and regular scripts
  • Configure buttons and minimize UI
  • Custom tooltips with aditional information
  • Create, archive and open MaxScripts
  • Dock, resize, and collapse dialogs
  • Launch on start-up


4 votes

TurboTriSmooth is a modifier for 3ds Max that subdivides triangle meshes while producing smoother results and nicer topology than the standard TurboSmooth. It can be used on triangulated models, cloth, scans, decimated meshes, fluid simulations, terrain or on any triangle mesh. Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/turbotrismooth


0 votes

Clothify Pro

4 votes

Clothify Pro is a modifier for 3ds Max that makes modeling and animating cloth easy, controllable, artist-friendly, fast and non-destructive.
Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/clothify-pro


0 votes


0 votes

Contrast Pro

2 votes

Contrast Pro is a modifier for 3ds Max that enhances the details of 3d models. It allows you to quickly add contrast to whole models or to highlight only some specific areas. Areas with large and small polygons can be set to receive the same amount of contrast with the "Uniform" option. Get it from https://mariussilaghi.com/products/contrast-pro

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