Tagged 'lukashi'

StateSets operator for LPM 1.09+

3 votes

Title     :  StateSets operator for LPM 1.09+*
            - Plugin 3ds max's 2013 State Sets in LPM

Copyright :  2012-2013 veda3d.com
Author    : Royal Ghost

RenderPreset operator for LPM 1.09+

17 votes

RenderPreset operator for LPM 1.09+
- Stores render's parameters.
- Support all possible renderers.

*Allows you to solve this bug .
*Also allows you avoid Biped & Render Preset bug which returned since max 9 sp1 which was fixed. ( Using Render Presets on a file where a biped was present and motion mixer contains clips would result in a corrupt file when saved. (max 2011 x64 sp1) )

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