Tagged 'normal'

Noors Normal Thief

6 votes

This script will transfer the normals from a source object to a target object, based on distance.

Transfering normals might have several uses : fix shading artefacts, enhance foliage cards look, toon shading...

Pick the source object, select the target object/faces and press steal !

  • Works with any geometry object.
  • Keeps the stack.
  • Adds an Edit Normals modifier.

Script will be found in the customize UI under category "Noors"

Auto Align UVWMap

2 votes

3dsMax Script for applying UVW Map Modifier Depending on Selected Edge or Longest Edge of each Face .

UPDATE 1.4 :

  • Fix UV Modifier Alignment .

  • Set Coordinate system to Local (getting wrong result on other coordsystems) .

UPDATE 1.3 :

  • Improve the Function of Grouping Faces by Angle .

Object's Normal Fix

2 votes

Small Scripts to fix the Normal of selected shapes (Exrtude Direction)  .

- Select Shapes to Fix .

- Run the Script .

- One LeftClick on any Surface to get the Normal from it , then RightClick to Exit .

Another Script Added to Auto Fix Shapes Orientation .

* If you have 3d Curved Shape its better to use the First Script to do Manual Fix .

- UPDATE 1 :

  • Make the Macros Visible/Enabled When the Selection Contain Shapes .

- UPDATE 2 :

Align to Faces

0 votes

A 3ds Max Script for Aligning Selected Objects to Picked Object's Faces .
for more details check the download link .


2 votes

v1.1 Fixed bug of flip normals several objects in group

Flip normals of polygons or objects
Flip (Reverse) splines


14 votes

A simple tool to render out top down maps from 3dsmax. An ideal way utilizing the tool would be in creating tilable textures. Besides tilable textures, this will help in overlaying additional small scale details on already made in-game meshes in a much more straight forward fashion.

How to Install


Align Pivot to Direction

8 votes

 Align Pivot to DIrection(vector) allows you to align the X, Y,Z or XYZ axis of the local pivot of each of the selected objects to the direction(vector), defined by two picked in the scene points. SNAP will be turned ON automatically.  If the Shift key is down when the axis is choosen the pivot will be moved to the first picked point.

Version 1.1 should works properly with Pen(tablets).

Average / Copy Border vertex Normals

2 votes

By Marc Robert / Trebor777 ([email protected])

Tool to fix seams between 2 objects by averaging or copying the normals from one another's borders.

The user needs to select the same number of vertices on both mesh with an EditPoly modifier named "VertSelect". It's created automatically when the meshes are picked if they don't already have them.

The tool will compute the closest vertices from each other and uses those normals.

Place Rivets

1 vote

Place Rivets is a max script for populating geometry object on a given surface along a driven spline.

Vertex normals selector

1 vote

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