3ds Max | MCG

MCG TextOnPath a.k.a Stiff PathDeform

3 votes

Installation: Scripting, Install Max Creation Graph...

at last...put your text on path with absolutely no warping, distortion whatsoever...unlike the PathDeform. What's more...it works for multi curves...but wait there's more...it works for any font including Right to Left languages...but waaaaiiiiit...there's still more, it can reverse your text in a jiffy too...and yes there's still more it's an environment friendly MCG too...it recycles your text !!!!!!!

MCG Lightning

6 votes



...bring out the Dead

Ver 1.03: you got free Forking...but not for the Arcing mode. I was going to release a 'for sale' version with......Farking....but eh...I feel good with humanity today so everyone should get free Farking...

Also added Recycle option as your Lightning grows..it lags....so use Recycle to help...


MCG StopMotion

5 votes

This MCG takes any vertex animated object and turns it into StopMotion/Claymation. You can also use it on non-vertex animated, ie. Transformed object.

Update note: Because it is based on Vertex animated objects, please use Skin and not Link, ie. if you transform a 'bone' object across the screen, then create your hero and Skin it to the bone object, not Link, then put StopMotion on your hero.



MCG MeshXForm

2 votes



Then can be found in modifier dropdown list.

Modifier can be instanced to control multi objects at once.

MCG Wave Slates

5 votes

This MCG creates panels/slates based on sine wave.



Then can be found in Create>Geometry>Vu


2 votes

Simple DNA structure.

Includes a Max scene file with colour coded nucleotides (pls extract Max file from ver 1.00)

ver 1.01: Fixed lookat. Now if the DNA strand is moved around, the letters will adjust to lookat target.

ver 1.02: the DNA strands are now quads

Donations: paypal.me/vusta

MCG Sweep Scale

6 votes

You can use a Sweep to loft on multi-curve spline....but you lose the Scale functionality of the normal Loft. Enter this....MCG Sweep Scale.



Then can be found in modifier list (naturally, you should add a Sweep first)

MCG Mirror Morph

3 votes

This MCG will mirror the form of your geometry across an axis for creating morph targets. The Form/Shape is mirrored, not the geometry itself or vert IDs as this would render the targets useless. The geometry's form/shape should be symmetrical (pivot centred) but vertex distribution does not have to be symmetrical, as can be seen with model with one eyebrow. Modify your target and the mirrored result is updated live, not like some static, dead end mirror/skinwrap method.

Requirements: Max 2016/17/18


MCG Fit BBox

2 votes

This MCG will auto fit one mesh to the BBox of another. A simple usage would be a toy soldier and the plastic container. Either object could be the 'controller', ie. the toy should be a tiny bit smaller than the container...or the the container should be slightly bigger than the toy.

MCG Shell Be Right

2 votes

If you use Shell on a noisy surface, you'll get self penetrations. Even with Edit Normals, it will not correct it coz Shell uses face normals rather than vertex normals (I think).

This MCG will correct the Shell with a surface that is the same with the underlying geometry, you can do this manually with an Extrude using Group Normals rather than Local Normals. This MCG provides the convenience so you can change the Shell and not having to redo the Extrude.

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