3DS Max - Plugin - ZoomExtSelFix

1 vote
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Miled Rizk

In this update, the script will work on sub-object selections. Also, a bug in the first version is fixed, when you switch to another mode other than the Modify Panel, the first version gives an error, this is fixed now in this 1.5 version.
To recap on why this plugin:
The default Zoom Extents Selected tool in Max has an issue when you're in a sub-object level but no sub-object element is selected, pressing Z(the default shortcut) causes Max to Zoom Extents on the whole scene instead of the selected object.

Additional Info: 

An update from Version 1.5 to 1.51 with small hotfixes explained in the ReadMe file.

Video URL: 
zoomextselfix_v1.5.mzp9.4 KB
readme.txt1.69 KB
zoomextselfix_v1.51.mzp13.1 KB
readme.txt2.01 KB


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miledrizk's picture


Glad you liked it,
And thank you for using the script! :)

dmitrybelonosov's picture


Thanks for your script! You've discovered an unusual problem, and you've written a script to overcome it. I will use

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