Advanced Sweep

13 votes
Author Name: 
Vojtech Cada

A curve-controlled scripted sweep modifier. As of now, both the Interpolation and Profile animation rollout UI items are just placeholders for non-implemented stuff. Using curve controls this way is pretty much experimental and as such, I wouldn't advise using this in production - better collapse it or make a pointcache and use that instead.

Additional Info: 

Limitations: Owing to the fact that there's no native support for spline modifiers, it will only work on single object. Multiple subSplines in that object are supported. Also, while it will run in max 2016, it only works properly from 2017 on. Would be nice if you could direct some feedback my way as I haven't used it much and as such I'm not sure there are no more potential problems lurking around the corner with the way I use curveControls.

Installation: Copy the .ms file to your scripts\startup folder or run as a script if you only want to try it out. The modifier will be available in the modifier stack.

Credits: There's so much in this script that woldn't see the light of day if it weren't for Denis Trofimov - especially the parts that handle replacing curveControl curves, when constructs for monitoring tangent type change and the list goes on and on. I really wanted to say Thanks.

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2016
advancedSweep.ms22.46 KB


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brainsgonedead's picture


Hi, how long before BETA becomes final please? It sounds interesting and I shall follow your progress. The sweep mod is dated in my eyes and it is about time it got updated. Good Luck, Toby

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