
18 votes

Teensy little script that creates a geometry cone that mimics the camera cone. It creates a pyramid - and does some wiring to make it match the camera - and stay matched - even if you animate the position - and fov. The purpose of the geometry is to use in a mesh vol select to pass up the stack to modify an object/faces only when they are in view of the camera. For example - you could meshsmooth only the faces of objects you can see in the current frame - for speed. Obvious caveat is that shadows cast from that object into the visible scene will be incorrect - but I've found plenty of situations it works in - and you can always add one meshsmooth - add the volselect then another meshsmooth - to only save on the last step. As usual - case by case analysis then.

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umamiMike's picture

I also added addmodifier wPyr

I also added

addmodifier wPyr (lattice Strut_Radius: .1 Joint_radius:.1)

just so I could see through it.


Hani Tiby's picture


Very useful, many thanks.
I've used it for the subdivision selection, and it's great.
I also added 2 more commands at the end of the state. to turn renderable off, and Xray on.


Thanks again.

tiagodmed's picture

Hi Christian, and if instead

Hi Christian, and if instead of using the xform you use this:

paramWire.connect wPyr.baseObject[#Height] wPyr.pos.controller[#Y_Position] "Height"

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