Copy/Paste Object Properties
This script allows you to copy and paste properties from one object to another (or multiple at once).
This is useful for copying camera settings from one to another. Although it will do any type of object you copy from. You can easily include/exclude any properties you DONT want copied (like FOV, focal length, etc).
Run the script:
1. In Max goto "Customize -> Customize User Interface -> Toolbars tab -> Category: ColinScripts->Properties (Copy)" and "Properties (Paste)" and drag them to a toolbar.
You can also copy an object's properties from one open max file to another open max instance because the script just writes a txt file with the properties.
Attachment | Size |
1.jpg | 41.91 KB |
2.jpg | 82.2 KB | | 7.83 KB |
Hello! Works well once. Next, the script returns an error. Says that the file is tempProperties.txt could not be created. Is there a solution?
It is a pity that the script
It is a pity that the script does not support animated properties
include/exclude doesn't pop up
I can't get it work fine.
include/exclude doesn't pop up, i can only paste all. (between 2 vray phys cam)
Thank you, bro!
nice script, thanks
nice script, thanks
One max 2014 scene: on AlembicTimeControl object in curve editor i assign easy curve to "current" - make some changes in curve, Copy props via script - then 2 ways i try:
In other parralel max 2014 scene at same AlembicTimeControl object,
- try to paste via script - popup error.
- on same object in curve editor i create easy curve with out any modification, then close it and paste via script - pop up error.
I have never tried it. Can
I have never tried it. Can you tell me how to reproduce the error and I'll fix it? Thanks
Hi Colin. Very useful script. thank you. I`m trying to copy paste easy curve from one alembic controller to another in other file. It gave me error. Is script working with curves?
yeah I noticed that too. I
yeah I noticed that too. I couldn't figure out why they don't work at all. I'll just remove the motion blur stuff for the moment.
It does not change any
It does not change any position information just all of the camera parameters (or any object's parameters, lights, etc).