Create Vray Physical Camera From Viewport

2 votes

Create Vray Physical Camera From Viewport For Max 2016 And Later.

- Run 3ds max as administrator
- Scripting -> Run script
- Customize -> Catalogy: thuandv

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2016
vpc.mzp31.57 KB


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vfga10's picture


Hey mate could you update it so it works with Corona please? Thank you much

hieuw's picture

for 3ds max older ...2014-2015

press P to active Perspective mode, click Vray Physical Camera and drag create camera in Perspective viewport, then Ctrl+C (2s) to create a physical camera from scene view, press C to active your physical camera. enjoy :D

jatz77's picture

This script has only 4 lines

This script has only 4 lines and put in a macro. At least this is useful. :)

domino3713's picture

Very usefull!!!

Can you creat script for Max older.. ex: 2014-2015... thanks!

Bare's picture


Very very useful!!!!

vusta's picture

Ctrl+c ?

tell me how this script is better than Ctrl+c please...
edit: Vray Physical instead of just Physical ?

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