ghostTown Lite
ghostTown 0.21 Lite Beta for 3ds Max 2011
A city generator and tool for creating urban environments.
- Lopoly or highpoly buildings
- Roadtool for making basic road layouts
- Easy material system, add your textures and they will be randomly distributed
- Add details were needed with basic scripts for facades etc
Custom scripting and support for openstreetmap coming soon
Works with 3ds max 2011 only
Check it out!
New version GT 0.251
- Added customscript option
- Checking for update is disabled by default,
turn it on/off in the menu
- Undocking works (must be done via the menu)
- Fullscreen doesn't affect the ribbon
- Import objects as proxies (vray, mr coming)
- Improved alot of stuff
Should work with max 2012 x64
Kilad how can I buy this? This is fantastic work! How can I register on the site? Please reply, [email protected]
Hi! Could you please send me
Hi! Could you please send me a registration code?
my email: [email protected]
ghostTown Lite
Hi! Could you please send me a registration code?
My email: [email protected]
Hi! Could you please send me
Hi! Could you please send me a registration code? Please
My email: [email protected]
registration code
i would very much like a registration code.
[email protected]
Registration code
Hi, can you send me a registration code? [email protected]
Hi, can you send me a
Hi, can you send me a registration code? [email protected]
Registration code
Hi, can you send me a registration code? [email protected]
May I have a registration code?
[email protected]
forum registration code
i really want to learn your superb script. if yo don't mind, my e mail is [email protected]