Line Per Vertex

30 votes
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Creates lines out of an object's vertices.

Additional Info: 

Very simple, this script was written with the Recomb From Splines tool (Hair And Fur) in mind, to avoid the tedious process of setting splines on the surface.
Basically, it creates a single spline object made of straight lines ready to edit, using the vertices' positions and normals of a target mesh.

Note that depending on the smoothing or if the normals have been edited the lines might not point perpendicularly to the surface.

Feel free to modify and improve :)

(2009-06-28: fix concerning coordinate system)
(2009-07-04: added Use Vert. Selection)

Version Requirement: 
made with max 9
Video URL: 
LinePerVertex.ms1.57 KB


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Michele71's picture

Nice, very nice!!

Nice, very nice!!

fajar's picture

This is what Im looking for!!

This is what Im looking for!!

frnkcrnk's picture

Nice!! This one can give


This one can give some cool results.

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