ProxyPainter ( MRproxy added )

89 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Pietro Salerno



Paint the scene by instanced geometry


Additional Info: 

Dear users, thanks to love my little painter.

A gift is ready for you. Support for MRproxy was done Smile

A new scatter algorithm will'be available soon.

Remeber to spin my counter.

Have fun.



Version Requirement: 
Max 2010 32/64, maybe working on old release


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Cabbage's picture



Pietro Salerno's picture

Hi pal, we can save a new

Hi pal,
we can save a new scene file,
wich contains only the objects to use inside ppainter,
after exporting you can manually save the proxies group(s) to merge inside your original scene via Max.
Sorry for it, but I'm trying to develope a new application core
to solve this problem and others...
Thank you.

Jorge_Zamudio's picture

Everything went smoothly for

Everything went smoothly for me, windows 7 64x, max design 2010, works great with vray proxies
How can I select 2 objects (say the grass plane and the proxy) and send that to painter alone? instead of loading the whole scene to ppainter?

notapix's picture

"by nuosyo - 2009-12-21

"by nuosyo - 2009-12-21 20:51
does it work with max

does it work with max 2008????"

i have max 2008. i use this script and work.

nuosyo's picture

ok, already I have it, bad

ok, already I have it, bad position had it ... a lot of power makes me happy to work with this scrip. thank you very much

nuosyo's picture

that sh** that is not for

that sh** that is not for 2008, is that I am angered very much not to be able to use this so good scrip.

nuosyo's picture

does it work with max

does it work with max 2008????

nuosyo's picture

I do not manage to install

I do not manage to install in max 2008, not as it does .. someone can help me.

thank you

Pietro Salerno's picture

Hi Robot, yes, you're right

Hi Robot,
yes, you're right man. I explain to install in c:\ cause the script wanna launch the painter via appdir="c:\proxypainter/",
so if they copy in d:\ or e:\apps ...etc... they must change the script as you done.


olhorobot's picture

pietro, i think the problem

pietro, i think the problem that some people is running the script from other drive than the c:\

i was not able to execute it and started taking a look at the script and noticed the "appdir="c:\proxypainter/" "

then moved the directory to c:\ , it was on d:, and everithing is running smooth now ;)


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