Render Tools

4 votes
0.1 beta
Author Name: 
Esteban Ponce

Este pequeño script permite generar elementos de render automaticamente con solo presionar un boton. Algunos pases requieren de cierto conocimiento previo para su uso o inclusive de activar alguinas funciones ocultas de la aplicacion dependiendo de que version estemos usando. Point Position: para generar este pase van a necesitar activar una funcion que se encuentra oculta, que mas abajo explicare, este pase es recomndable guardarlo en 32 Bits al igual que el Zdepth. En el caso de light Pass al presionar el boton se creara una escena que podran visualisar a traves del scene state, para enviarla a renderear.

This little script allows to generate render elements automatically at the touch of a button. Some passes require some prior knowledge to use or even to activate some hidden functions of the aplication depending on which version you're using. Point Position: To generate this pass you will need to activate a function that is hidden in 3dmaxshaders.mi"max_base_XYZGenerator" , this pass is stored as 32 bits recomndable like the zdepth. In the case of light pass by pressing the button the script automaticaly saves a scene state and create anoter one with the pass.


Version Requirement: 
Max 2008
dillinger_gift.ms13.94 KB


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.eb's picture


not a problem..glad to help. I'll try the script soon..too busy with other things atm.

estebanponce's picture

Sorry, and thank you for the

Sorry eb, and thank you for the help

i hope was useful for you

estebanponce's picture

sorry br0t but i cant find

sorry br0t but i cant find the time to translate the description, was an emergency and aimed to spanish people,thank you for the help, but feel free to post in the language you want, because if i need to read german i will use Google translate.

i hope the script was useful.


.eb's picture

google translate =

google translate =
This little script allows to generate elements automatically render the touch of a button.

Some passages require some prior knowledge to use or even to activate alguinas Coulter application functions depending on which version you're using.

Point Position: To generate this pass will need to activate a function that is hidden that will explain below, this pass is stored as 32 bits recomndable like the zdepth.

In the case of light pass by pressing the button you will be able to create a scene scene Display through the state to send to renderer.

No more I say goodbye to another occasion.

br0t's picture

sorry I thought it wasnt

sorry I thought it wasnt :/ Not my fault that the internet language is english, but I dont publish stuff in german here, or can you read it?

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

tommym's picture


Find yourself a professora Brot



br0t's picture

You should consider writing

You should consider writing in english so people can understand :(

Never get low & slow & out of ideas

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