
5 votes
V1.1a - Stable
Date Updated: 

ShadedModeEnforcer V1.1a - Stable
Sets the default mode in Nitrous to "Shaded" and disables AO/Shadows/Dual light etc.. by default.
Completly configurable default shading mode and default advanced Nitrous options.

  • Version:  V1.1a - DC20140410
    • Implemented mechanism to enforce viewport options on ALL viewports
    • Mainly introduced to disable the new default "SelectedEdgedFacesEnabled" option
      ( wireframe overlay on selected objects )
    • Code/data struct optimizing and refactoring,
      now you can simply add any Viewport option 3ds Max supports to the struct
  • Version:  V1.0 - Beta Release, DC20140118
    • fixed Max 2012 compatibility
    • some code cleanup
  • Version: V0.01 - Initial Alpha Release, DC20130813



  • Since introduction of Nitrous, the wireframe/shaded toggle switches to realistic mode by default
  • While this mode is great for high quality display, it makes working rather unpleasant as by default it enables AO/shadows etc...
  • This script brings back plain "shaded" mode as default, without Realistic/AO/Shadows etc...
  • Complete configureable new default mode and advanced Nitrous options ( AO, shadows etc.. ).
  • Conclusion:
    a fast "shaded" mode is again right at your fingertips without distracting AO/Shadows/Dual Default Lights etc


  • open the script in a text editor to edit your desired settings
  • Manually adjust your required defaults at the beginning of the struct definition
  • For details and complete list of viewport options available, simply look for <ViewportViewSettingImpl> in the Maxscript documentation
  • All <ViewportViewSettingImpl> options listed in the MXS docs are automatically supported ( depending on the Max version )


  • Copy this script to "<MaxRoot>\scripts\Startup"
  • Edit the script if desired ( press Ctrl-E for re-evaluating without need for 3ds Max restart )
  • Restart 3ds Max


  • When "enableOnFileLoad=false" (disabled), default AO/Light/Shadow settings are not applied, but those from the incoming Max files are used (applies to "maxstart.max" too)
  • listener output indicates when the settings are applied
  • enter "ShadedModeEnforcer.Deactivate()" in the Listener to disable "enableOnFileLoad" for the current Max session
  • Setting default shaded modes does NOT WORK when switching layouts using the "Viewport Layout Tabs", per "Viewport Configuration dialog" or Workspaces
  • In that case, all viewports return to "Realistic" as default shaded mode than ( Maxscript Limitation )


Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2012, 2013, 2014+


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betoosharp's picture

Help please.

Original link is dead((((

betoosharp's picture

Does anyone has new download link?

Or just share please) Thanks

triff's picture

You absolute hero! :)

You know those little things that grind away at you, sapping your will to live on a daily basis... Well, this used to be one.

So good having a proper viewport toggle back instead of toggling between whichever two random viewport modes were last used. :)

Chief Pixel Bully |

meerarajput's picture


Thanks for sharing

fajar's picture

how to Implemented mechanism

how to Implemented mechanism to enforce viewport options on ALL viewports in the script ?

spacefrog's picture

BTW: The new global enforce

BTW: The new global enforce feature provides a great possibility to DISABLE progressive refinement for every 3ds Max scene you load. Progressive refinement on large, heavy scenes tends to stall 3ds Max right after a file load.

Simply add the following entry to the EnforcedDefaults struct ( additions in bold )

struct EnforcedDefaults
    SelectedEdgedFacesEnabled  = false,    -- enable or disable Edge display on  selected objects
    ShowSelectionBracketsEnabled = false ,    --  added comma required here
    ProgressiveRenderingEnabled = false    -- disable Progressive Refinement



After you restart 3ds Max ( or re-evaluate using Ctrl-E in the MXS Editor ), all scenes should come in having  progressive refinement disabled ...

spacefrog's picture

Updated to V1.1a !


I just put an update online.
The new version allows you to get rid of the new (silly IMHO ) selected object highlighting using wireframe overlay, which was introduced recently.
The default values right after script installation, bring back the simple selection bracket/box display and disables the wireframe overlay

Additionally, the whole script is far more flexible. Now you have two default-sets available: one that gets only applied to the Wireframe viewports as before, and the new one, which gets applied to ALL viewports
That all happens immediatly and totally in the background when you load a Max scene.

For whoever downloaded the script (V1.1) right after i posted this, please redownload. There was a small hickup in the script which i immediatly fixed within 30 minutes ... ( V1.1a )

spacefrog's picture


Thanks Jonathan ;-)

i just updated the script as i found a bug when running on 3ds Max 2012
and i formatted the listener messages in a better way...

Jonathan de Blok's picture


Nice one!

barigazy's picture


Hey Josef,
Now I can forget about adjusting this every time when reinstall 3dsmax. I already stored my settings in maxstart.max file but as you sad when new scene is saved in "realistic" mode then ... :)
Anywey thanks for sharing this helpful code.


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