Spritey v0.1.1

37 votes
Date Updated: 

-- UPDATE(2022) : only fixed the link for this. Nothing else.

- v0.1.1 functions: Spritey takes a cell-spaced spritesheet and uses the texture space to create UV coordinate animation based upon your specified cell numbers.

- Example: 4 rows of 6 columns of sprite images on 1 texture/material makes 24 frames of animation. 32 rows of 32 columns of sprite images on 1 texture/material makes 1024 frames of animation.(After the animation is created, you can manipulate the frames, animation, fps, etc, for playback as you see fit.)

- Why make Spritey ?
Well, IFLs are awesome & cell-based-sprite-sheets are awesome.
Each are great for their specific uses that each developer can find.
- I could not find a tool that would animate the texture space by (N*X) cell counts..so I made Spritey. I hope that plenty of people find it useful for one thing or another.

- Directions:
1. Make a plane with 4 vertices.
2. Assign the cell-sprite sheet to the plane.
3. Type in the cell counts for up-down and side-side.
4. Select the plane & click the Animate Sprite Material! Button.
5. [The animation timeline will extend as necessary to complete the tasks].

Basic plans for future versions [when I get free time ;)]
1. create cell-based-sprite sheets from camera/viewport (easy)
2. allow max to easily use cell-sprite sheets in rustic fashion to mimic IFL capabilities (easy)
3. set frame lengths per cell (easy)
4. your suggestions here.
5. take over the world (enticing!)
6. enjoy soup (warm & delicious!)

Thanks for reading!

fixed issues with the file not working in 2011.(no longer a macro)

Additional Info: 

Written in 2008

Version Requirement: 
2008 or newer
Video URL: 
spritey_v0.11.ms4.42 KB


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.eb's picture

gp! thx! May do that.

gp! thx! May do that.

lightcube's picture

Fixing the Sliding images

I watched the video and noticed that there is an easy solution for the sliding images when you hit Play in Max. Before you press the Animate Sprite Material button, change the current default tangent type to Step--this alleviates that problem for the user.

However, you may want to set that programatically in your script.


Shawn Olson

Developer of Wall Worm

seven85's picture

Thank you for your reply

I've got another tool, which is based on material changes to make the uv tile offset uv

.eb's picture

Version Requirement: 2008 or newer

My apologies 785, that's not gonna happen.
I used the unwrap6 interface found in 3ds Max 2008 and higher.

seven85's picture

Version max9 please

Very cool features, very easy to use, can not provide max9 version, Waiting for your message, thank you

.eb's picture

fixed link to 0.1.1

fixed link to 0.1.1

lightcube's picture

broken links

The download links aren't working.


Shawn Olson

Developer of Wall Worm

.eb's picture


Thx for the comments.
I never knew you guys commented on this..I'll have to check my user settings to see if I can be notified because I plan to add a few more scripts this year.

dmd78, v0.1.1 fixes the issue.
Not sure what the heck is going on with Max2011 disliking some encrypted macroscripts. :/

W DIGITAL's picture

awesome! take over the world

take over the world with this one!

dmd78's picture

Having trouble

Hi, I am unable to access the GUI. I dropped the .mse file onto Max and got the attached error. I then ran the toolbar shortcut and nothing happens. Any ideas? thanks

spritey_error.jpg 945.79 KB

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