Stairs Extruder

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Simple Script that do incremental face extrusion (useful to create stairs for example)

# Installation:

1-extract files

2-copy Stair Extruder.mse to 3dsmax\script folder

3-copy to 3dsmax\script\startup folder

4-restart 3ds max or run from script menu run.

5-add it to ur desired UI (menu,quad,toolbar...)

Version Requirement: 
tested on 3ds max 9 should work on 3ds max 7+
Video URL: 
stairs_extruder.zip11.41 KB


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popa_3d's picture


tnx for ur comment, nice u like it...the tool order face according to their Z axis coordinate position , ur stairs have the same z this is why it have wrong order. ur face must have different z position so it can work..(like in the video I attached.

I don't know if adding axis will help...cause it will be hard to find a way to oreder them if faces are rotated, in this case we will have 2 axis x and y.

harumscarum's picture

very useful script!

great tool, but there is issue - even if i select each polygon in same order i want to extute it - it extruded in wrong order.

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