Stereo camera creator v0.4

7 votes
Author Name: 
Alpay Küçük

Added some render functionality... Hope u like it:) any feedback(comments critiques advises) are welcome.

You can drag-drop the script file onto max or go to maxscript>run script and run it. Since it's a macroscript you can find it in the customize viewport menu(right-click somewhere around menu and>customize) and find it in the Alpay topic. Then you can assign a keyboard shortcut or a quad menu and etc. Thank you!

Version Requirement: 
written on max 2010. tested on 2009. any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
stereocameraV0-4.ms8.8 KB


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albey's picture

Sorry for the late reply,

Sorry for the late reply, i've been so busy :(. Actually i tried to write an anglish help file, if you mean some words inside of the script to be translated, ok, i will do it in the first opportunity. Thanks for the fedback by the way :)

pifitas's picture

Seems to work ok on max2008

Seems to work ok on max2008 x64, but...
can you translate it to english please?

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