Tagged 'utility'

Video Capture Select Viewport

21 votes

This is a Script that allows to recording and Snap the active viewport during the work. You can select any viewport during recording. Based on 'Create a Quick Preview' by Borislav 'Bobo' Petrov (www.scriptspot.com/bobo).

Capture Viewport

Open Image File

8 votes

This very simple script allows to open a float window of an image.
Present in 3dsMax 2010, him and totally assents in the previous versions.
Useful to open an image during the job in 3dsmax


35 votes

Creates a modeless floating window that contains all controllers in the scene
for quick access to the controller properties. The user can switch on/off
filters to control what types of controllers will be displayed.

Currently supports wire, expression, script, noise, reactor, list, wave, audio,
spring, motioncapture and limit controllers.

v0.4 update: Converted ActiveX UI element to dotNet, therby making the script 64bit compatible (and breaking compatibility with versions prior to 3ds Max 2008).

Snapshot To Shape

23 votes

Clone object by equal distances on the shape length.

Snapshot To Shape


21 votes

Quick render selected object(s) on pure background color
without mess renderer settings & while keep last rendered VFB intact.


Set Random Camera

7 votes

Set Random Camera is a utility that does exactly what its title says. Set Random Camera


13 votes

IA_Utilities_Wire-consists of 4 maps that can be plugged into any shader network, for wiring numeric, boolean, and RGB color values.IA_Utilities_Instance-consists of 4 maps that also can be plugged into any shader network, for containing multiple instanced texture-maps. Each map has user labels within it, to label the use of each instance or wire.

Some uses for this are-


14 votes

A procedural graph paper texture. The essential part of this material
are both Gradient Ramps (horizontal and vertical) that define tiling
and line management. Colors are defined by the top mix or output map
(depending on material version).

CAD Cleaner

12 votes

A utility script to weld vertices and clean up smoothing in imported/converted CAD models. Works on Editable_Mesh objects in selection. Does not work on objects with an Edit_Mesh or Edit_Poly modifier applied. I use this to do a first-pass quick cleanup on imported SolidEdge models; it helps eliminate duplicate faces and odd smoothing groups.

Incremental Transform

14 votes

A script to move or rotate an object set of ObjName[_###] Will work on multiple ObjNames, but provides confirmation request for mis-matched object base names. Objects are sorted in alphanumeric name order for incremental transformation, i.e., obj_001 +10 deg., obj_002 +20 deg, obj_003 +30 deg...

Axis-space selectable. Not very elegant, but seems to work OK.

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