time slider control

2 votes
Date Updated: 

this tool drags time slider without mouse clicking.
I made this because I feel pain in my wrist while dragging time slider.
and this can prevent scratch at the bottom part of your tablet if you use tablet for animation.

Additional Info: 

run the mcr file and you can find 'TimeSlider Control' in 'HJ Tools' category.
assign a hotkey to it.
press the hotkey and just move mouse over viewport.
while using this press Ctrl Key for snapping slider to keyframes.

Version Requirement: 
written for 3ds max 2011
Video URL: 
timeslidercontrol.mcr1.24 KB


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heejun's picture

thanks for the reply

thanks for the reply and feedback guys.
horo i'll try to fix the issue and add the features.

horo's picture


handy script, some ideas i had while testing it out.

- ignore open scripts/windows (it stops working when u hover over them)
- auto expand the start/end time + toggle lock via second shortcut/macro.

Daniel Wichterich's picture


Really great, thanks! Improves working with a tablet a lot!

barigazy's picture


Nice idea,man.Just keep up to work to this tool.


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