VPL "viewport layouts"

22 votes
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This is an update to ViewPort Controls Mini and renamed to VPL 2.0 I found with the introduction of the view cube. The other feathures of "ViewPort Controls Mini" were redundant. So I striped it down to just the viewport layout selections in a dock-able buttons bar.

VPL Use: Only use VPL from the 4 viewport state. Not the (alt+W) maximized viewport state.

VPL_2.0_RUN.ms - Put in your (max/scripts/startup)folder This will start VPL at launch of max.
VPL_2.0.ms - Put in your (max/scripts/) folder - the script.
VPL_i16a.bmp - Put in your (max/ui/icons) folder - button graphics.

Version Requirement: 
9 , 2010
vpl_2.0.zip1.33 KB


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cg4fun's picture

Can I help me? How to config 2 views with diferent cams?

I would like to config this layout how can I work?

dead_lyric's picture


after docked buttons are not active, we have to restart. 3ds max 2011 design

titane357's picture

In fact I meant that it would

In fact I meant that it would be great to have not a toolbar but a dropdown list, so it would be more compact. :-)

titane357's picture

sorry, but I don't know how

sorry, but I don't know how to make a pop up menu... :-(

othoap's picture



I've been wanting to turn off "Brackets" on start up for years, THANKS

eungen's picture

I like this in maxscript

I like this in maxscript startup folder:
viewport.setLayout (#layout_4vl)
for v=1 to 4 do
viewport.activeViewPort = v
actionMan.executeAction 0 "40077" -- Views: Hide Grids Toggle (G) or: max grid toggle
actionMan.executeAction 0 "370" -- Tools: Show Selection Bracket Toggle (J)
actionMan.executeAction 0 "369" -- Views: View Edged Faces Toggle (F4)

othoap's picture

Please Just take them


Sure just take the VPL_i16a.bmp file and use anyway you like. Email me if you need any icons.

titane357's picture

hello, how can I have yours

hello, how can I have yours icons as a list (as max's snapshot, array, spacing tool and clone and align button ) ?

othoap's picture


Would people want this in a .mzp format?

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