Batch Camera Render

272 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Sergo Pogosyan

This script aims to replace standard 3dsmax's Batch Render and imitates Houdini Output Node workflow. Using it you can specify rendering parameters - frame size, frame number, output path - directly to camera object, so every camera in scene 'knows' what it intended to render. Additional functionality is Lighting Assignment - you can specify which light will be turn on or off for selected camera during the rendering.


  • Support for 3ds max 2023 Update fixed


  • Corona and Vray Sun inside Daylight System fixed (thanks to busseynova for reporting)


  • CoronaSun supported inside Daylight System


  • Don't Save Render Elements Checkbox (Thanks to antomor)
  • Limited support for camera objects in xref scene files (Only root objects in first level xrefs. Cameras in nested xrefs not supported)

1.13 Bugfix:

  • Deadline submission should work now

1.12 New Feature:

  • Deadline support.
    Very basic imlementation, it allows you to submit your jobs on a deadline server. Enter deadline repository address and check "Use Deadline" checkbox. Other checkbox doesn't matter in this case ("Net render", "Show Submit Dialog").
    Probably it requires Deadline 3ds max Submitter installed. I didn't have a chance to check it on a clean machine.

1.11 Features and fixes:

  • State sets support added
  • "projectname" keyword added which resolves to project's folder name
  • other fixes and improvements

1.10.3b Fixes:

  • Crash when vray ir/lcache maps are set to auto-save
  • Region render was not set properly during the rendering

This is major update of the script, so it may not be as stable as before. Backup scenes or cameras at least before running this version. More information can be found here - 1.10b Multiple presets for each camera

Previous updates:

1.10.2b Fixes:

  • Problems with render elements paths
  • Copy/paste of render region settings
  • Properly convert render region values when change resolution

New features:

  • Multiple presets for each camera
  • New keyword %presetname% to support multiple presets
  • Distributed rendering checkbox added to vray common settings
  • Bugfix - Net render not starting after cancelling during local rendering.
  • Improved performance with scenes with lots of cameras
  • Added support of Vray RT as a production renderer
  • Added support of using MFRender script to render scenes through BatchCamera script.
  • Bugfix - Error was popping up sometimes during drag-n-drop
  • Bugfix - Render elements didn't render in certain conditions
  • Bugfix - Pre-render/post-render scripts didn't work on network rendering
  • Bugfix - Select All and Toggle All buttons didn't work properly

Here are some details:

Script's website -

Github -

2015 Updates

  • Region render parameter can be specified for each camera
  • Set Viewport button sets viewport camera and resolution and aspect as well
  • It is possible now to specify backburner servers and server groups for silent rendering submit (code editing required)
  • Vray Elements fixed for Vray 3 and Vray output saving with VFB color correction
  • Cancelling of rendering of multiple cameras at once,
  • Hierarchical ini files

2013 Updates

  • Drag-n-drop of cameras in list
  • Camera list window size can be changed (script restart required)
  • When committing region render it is possible to switch to view render without restarting the render
  • Keyword syntax can be used in Scene State names - thanks to Stefan Runevik for suggestion

2011 Updates

  • Preview button added - renders only current frame without saving anything - no images, no vray maps, no scripts running, no elements.
  • Ortho mode added to Vray rollout - it turns any camera to orthographic, including Vray Physical camera.
  • Copy/Paste from one camera to one/several cameras - use new buttons at the top of the window.
  • Submit Scripts section - you can assign script files that will run on each render submit. Per Submit script runs once per render submit and Per Camera script runs for each camera before submit. All these scripts run on local machine, not on render server.
  • Last Rendered Location field - here is stored last render file location. Very useful for locating last-time rendered images.
Additional Info: 


Run this script with Maxscript -> Run Script command from any folder on your hard drive, then go to the *'Customize User Interface' -> 'Toolbars'*, browse to category 'Sergo Pogosyan' and add 'Render scene cameras...' button to the toolbar or to the menu.


When you start this script it iterate over all cameras in scene and list them in the dialog box. To each of these cameras you can assign frame resolution, number of frames to render including nonsequential frames, output file location and lighting setup. All these properties can be changed for one or several selected cameras. Output file location is split to folder path and file name, so you can specify new folder for all selected cameras in scene. 'Lighting assignement' section contains three list: Solo light list contains lights that will be only lights turned on during the rendering, 'Forced On' and 'Forced Off' lights are turned on or off respectively during the rendering. After all these setting will be set up (if some properties is not set value from the Render Setup will be used), check the camera(s) in the list and hit Render button. Check Net Render checkbox to submit network render job.

Supported lights: All bundled 3ds max lights, all Vray Lights
Supported cameras: All bundled 3ds max cameras, Vray PhysicalCamera

Version Requirement: 
3ds max 2008-202x
batchcamerarender_1.17.ms245.88 KB
batchcamerarender_1.18.ms245.92 KB


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mali's picture

Backburner error

I've been getting an error lately while submitting net renders to Backburner using version 1.13 in Max 2015 SP4. This line is highlighted: " if not (batchManager.connect (if Net_Render_Options_Rollout.Auto_Search.checked then #automatic else #manual) Net_Render_Options_Rollout.Name_Or_Mask.text port:netrender_port platform:platform_var)

It's pretty much random, I don't know how to reproduce it. Sometimes it fails at the first camera, sometimes at any other... I'm not sure when this started, maybe it's due to a windows update? I usually restart max to make it work again.

MyGalaxy's picture

frame range with negative numbers

It's bad that the frame range with negative numbers is not supported. For example, I need to render from -30 to 30 frames. How to do it?

JuanDAO's picture

Thanks for the awesome

Thanks for the awesome script!
But there is a problem with GAMMA settings when using CORONA render. Looks like gamma overrides to 1 (must be 2.2) when render with this script.
This happen's when used corona converter.

Пожалуйста, предложите решение проблем с ГАММОЙ при рендере КОРОНОЙ.


uMandef's picture

Elements file type saving

Hi Sergo,
first of all thank you for this amazing script and for the continuous updates!

I'm writing here to ask you how to save render elements with a different file type than the one of the main render: if I save the file in .exr I cannot find the way to save render elements in .jpg (as they are set in render setup - render lements) as it saves in .exr them too.
Am I missing something or isn't it possible?

Thank you!

sergo's picture

Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the feedback! I'll check newer version with negative frames.

Спасибо за отзыв! Проверю на днях новую версия с отрицательными кадрами.

povelitel's picture

negative frame

Добрый день!
Спасибо за ценный скрипт!

Нашёл баг.
Поставил нормальную анимацию солнца с анимацией кучи света и геометрии для вечернего рендера. После кадра 3 у меня уже вечер, добавлять дневные положения солнца можно только в отрицательную шкалу (где ещё день), которая не воспринимается скриптом.
Решил ситуацию копированием камеры и выставлением ей отрицательного кадра в поле Single.
Моя версия скрипта 1.9.20.


Negative frame in frame number list doesn't allow to render, for example: -1,4. I made a copy of camera and rendered negative frame in single frame field.

Thanks a lot for the script!

antomor's picture


Yes. Now working. Thanks!

sergo's picture

This should fix it I think.

This should fix it I think. See the attachment. I'll update the post later.

AttachmentSize 235.58 KB
sergo's picture

Hi antomor

Hi antomor,
I'll check it tomorrow, but as a quick fix try to run Deadline Submitter first and then run BatchCamera script.

antomor's picture

Have error with deadline supporting

Hello, Have error when try rendering with deadline. First time work fine, but now not working. - screen of error

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