Camera Switcher

22 votes
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The script is a small floating dialog which will mainly let you switch between cameras
in your scene. (plus some other handy features built-in)


Additional Info: 

- Interactive Mode; lets you click on a camera name in the list and it
will set the current active viewport to the camera.
- Lock Mode; you can define a specific viewport - so whenever you click
on a camera name in the list - it will always assign the camera to the chosen viewport.
- Timeframe Ranges Mode; Double click an item to customly set an animation range for the camera.
- Timeline Remapping Mode; enable this to automatically set the time range
of the scene in accordance to the camera name selected.
- Bake Cameras - it will automatically create an animated camera out of the
cameras in the list using the timeframes.

*created/tested only on max 6
*there's also a right+click menu for most of the functions
*deleting a camera in the scene will automatically remove the camera from the list.
*This Script adds additional entries in the 3dsmax.ini file under the category [camswitch]
It stores the position - size and button states whenever you close the dialog.
*It also stores timeframe information in the User Defined Properties of the object.

you can pm me - Galagast @ for any comments and suggestions. :D
download 'Camera Switcher vX.X' by Jefferson Lim @

[Add all scene cameras to the list]
- CTRL+CLICK on the '+' button.
[Select the Camera from the list]
- DOUBLE LMB+CLICK on the camera item name
- or ALT+CLICK on an item to safe select the camera.
- clicking on any of the two column titles ('cameras & timeframe)
will switch between modes (Camera List Mode - and Timeframe Ranges mode)
[Refresh the list]
- CTRL+CLICK on the column bar titled 'Cameras'.
- or Double MMB+CLICK anywhere on the list (will also Reset Column Widths)
[Revert to Last TimeLine Range]
- CTRL+CLICK when turning off the Time Mode button
[Delete all list items]
- CTRL+CLICK the Delete Button to Delete all items in list

Version History:
- Second Public Realease
- Added a lot of right+click menu options

- list is now saved with the file
- added a right click menu for the majority of the functions
- fixed total range report on bake

- resizeable height; also saved
- button (interactive - time) states are also saved
- baked camera name will have the total time range added automatically
- range editor will also appear and move correctly with camswitcher
- range is now saved/accessed through the user defined properties
- fixed: range spinner limit
- pressing CTRL+ADD button will automatically sort cameras by name
- fixed viewport names on popup menu
- added markers to know which mode you are in
- removed the 'DEL' key press function - because it can accidentaly delete objects in your scene
--- a button is placed instead to delete items
- fixed negative frame ranges
- added an option to maintain the timerange when turning off Time Mode
- added double clicking an item to select the camera

- added - ALT+Click an item to select the camera
- added - creating baked cameras will set tanget types to Step for start/end keys
- removed printing of some variables on the listener.

- fixed: rollout variable lookup error when changing timeframe values the first time
- fixed: a bug when a view is set on different viewport layouts. (e.g. 4-views to 1-view)

- Initial Public Release

Version Requirement: 
7; 6


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jos's picture
jos's picture


I've got an error when running the script in 3ds Max2012

-- Runtime error: Cannot create the ActiveX control: MSComctlLib.ListViewCtrl
Reported error message: Class not registered

Louis Marcoux's script is indeed what i'm looking for. But I could use more functionality

Jeff Lim's picture

Thanks for trying out this

Thanks for trying out this script! It's kinda old, I haven't used this for quite a long while. :D
I think I can implement an auto-change function in the future. But for the mean time, I highly recommend (just in case you haven't seen this before) looking into Louis Marcoux's blog here:

I tried running the script, but I fear that I can't promise an update anytime soon, because I will need to replace quite a few lines of code and convert them to dotNet.


herbap's picture

great script, well done it

great script, well done

it very useful for who work with multiple cameras in one scene, but it need realtime / auto change function?


graphic design and animation

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