Tagged 'geometry'


93 votes

Honeycomb is a free scripted geometry plug-in (for 3ds Max 9 SP1 and higher)
that build procedural hexagonal tiles surface sorted in 4 shape types.


-12 votes

Ringer is a 3ds Max geometry plugin, designed to make it easier for users to create various tech like motion graphics, but the tool isn't limited to just graphics.

Scripted Geometry

0 votes

The actual script is a developed version of the one that you can find in the maxscript help file, Practical Examples: "Create Scripted Geometry Plug-in"

this one has two additional features:

1-it has a height property for the inner part
2-it has a limit property that you can use to limit the radial creation between 0 and 180 degrees

note: after installing you can go to create panel, geometry, standard primitives


-10 votes


4 votes

Vase -Scripted plugin for 3ds Max.

Create a wide variety of different vases, pots, etc...


-10 votes

Helixometry is a geometry plugin for 3ds Max that creates helix shaped meshes. All of its controls are animatable. The biggest benefit to this over the spline helix is the ability to taper the thickness of the mesh as well as twisting and turning. Check it out.


Helixometry 1.0
- Start/End radius
- Height/Radius bias control
- Number segments that make up helix
- Number of turns
- Height of helix
- Radius randomizing option

Audioflow SpaceTravel

36 votes



V-MOTION - Audioflow SpaceTravel // 3-Dimensional Audio-Synchronized Incremental Controller *** Audio-Sync Breakthrough!!! ***


Quick Isolate Object

66 votes

With this useful and funny script, you can isolate in a ListBox, the category object in Geometry, Shape, Light, Helper, Camera and Space Warp in the viewport.  We can select, rename and count the items in the scene.  Useful in many work situation.



49 votes

Knob is a scripted geometry primitive (simpleObject plugin) with predefined low-res topology
optimized for smoothing via TurboSmooth or MeshSmooth modifiers.



25 votes

HollowCube is a simpleObject scripted plug-in.
Procedural primitive that I made today for fun.


Copy this (.ms) to Max "stdplugs\stdscripts\" folder

HollowCube is in the "Create/Geometry" tab in the "Scripted Primitives" menu


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