Tagged 'maya'

Camera I/O

32 votes

Camera Import Export tool. This script makes possible camera transfer between MAYA MAX and LIGHTWAVE.  Suported properties are Position, Orientation, Lens, Render W/H, FilmBack, Aspect ratios. Final result is 100% match in render image. Camera is with preserved  time and mesurment UNITS, Corect Up axis.

Now The final release is done (i hope). I did 2 versions of the script, furst is constrain based transfer (motion blur and gimble lock issue), other version is rotation based. Both do the same.


1 vote

Boujou2max plug-in poster

Boujou2max imports raw markers from Boujou as an animated cubes or dummies. This is a good solution for raw motion tracking without camera solve.

3DS Max Hot Box

201 votes

After being inspired by the video I saw of a Max hot box here on Script Spot I decided to work on my own. So here is the first version, its only a beta so some bugs or problems are to be expected. I am giving it out early as I want to get as much feedback as possible  I am currently debating whether to follow the Maya route or do something a bit different. 

Orionflame 4

31 votes

Orionflame 4 is the successor of the acclaimed production-proven modeling toolset for 3ds max, featuring a completely redesigned and rewritten core architecture, along with several new powerful modeling tools.

Experience the difference yourself.

Note: this is a commercial script

J3D Moya

2 votes

======================= Overview =======================
It transfers geometry and animation (cameras, meshes and vertex animation) back and forth between modo, Maya and 3dsMax. It also sends geometry to Mari.

waRp PrepareExp

0 votes

This script helps with preparing for export to Maya or UV Layout. It works on all selected objects. (Note: It is meant to be used in combination with my other scripts)

Actions that takes for both preparing export to Maya and UV Layout:
- Runs the waRp RemoveTurbo script (this script can work without it)
- Weld option welds each selected objects' vertices by the threshold amount
- Show Ngons runs the waRp Ngons script (you have to have this script in order to use this functionality)

Actions it takes for preparing export to Maya:
- Collapses the modifier stack to Editable Poly

Fixes UVW mapping imported in 3ds max from maya

38 votes

hi all

this was done for a very certain task...
i'm working with team mates who work in maya platform while most of the work is done by 3ds max and it plugins..and i work on both but better at 3ds max..

If you ever tried to export an FBX file from maya to max you will suffer from two or three basic things,
1: all materials are phong with high specular
2: some maps were defined in maya in som way that max understands them as maps with map channel != 1,then the need a uvw mapping
3: some faces problems
fixing these in a very big scene could be very painful

Sprite Buffer

20 votes

Such a Maya feature to compare rendered images. Result displayed into VFB. Which means that you have ZoomIn/ZoomOut control (which is useful in comparing bitmaps) and also access to all VFB's controls like: Save, Copy, Clone, RGBA, ... etc.


10 votes



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