Tagged 'wireframe'


1 vote

This script will allow you to replace the materials in your scene with materials from a library or max file in mass. Use the match name button if the names of your materials are similar.

Quick Blueprint Creator

6 votes

This is my version of a blueprint maker.
Key features: drag n drop image, blueprints are always shaded even in wireframe mode.
Enjoy ;)

Superflow Elements

7 votes



V-MOTION - SF Elements // Superflow Motion Designer Toolkit // www.v-motion.co


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Material Toolbox

1 vote

Manage the Material assignment, Material ID number, and Wirecolor of scene objects.

Feature List:

+ Easily Select all objects with shared Material, Mat ID, or Wirecolor

+ Interactive Clipboard to store Materials, Mat ID's, or Wirecolors

Wireframe Simple Render

59 votes

Wireframe Render Version 3.0

This script simple takes the max scene and renders wireframe, in either black or white. It does not alter your scene in anyway. Your scene will remain untouched with all of its settings and materials.

This script is a small part of a larger script I'm working on for 3ds Max.


Wirecolor dashboard

13 votes

Use this script to change wireframe colors in a jiffy!
In a single mouseclick change the wirecolor of objects in the current selection, all objects, objects with a certain material or objects selected from a list. You can also select all objects in the scene with a certain wirecolor.


17 votes

Creates a shaded wire material for topology renderings.

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