UV Tools

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Easy to use uv mapping tools for Archviz and not only

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Version Requirement: 
3dsMax 2013+
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NiK684's picture

[3.3.02] - 2025.01

- New. Pack by object (Ctrl+Click).
- New. UDIM. Fit while packing option.
- Fix. Reset Xform flipped normals fix disabled for modern 3dsMax versions.
- Fix. Auto break now works only in polygons mode.
- Fix. Select by UDIM didn't work with empty selection.
- Fix. Texel Density functions issues.

lupaz's picture

Right. It would need to take

Right. It would need to take into account the geometry.

Ok. Thanks for the reply.

NiK684's picture

Hi.Align tool doesn't take

Align tool works on UV islands (shells), not geometry. If you check UV editor you should get the idea clearly. It's like aligning layers in Photoshop for example.
What you're asking is actually vice versa, take geometry in consideration and somehow analyze it before aligning. This has nothing with actual alignment of UV islands and tbh I have no idea how this could be solved for the most of usecases.

You may use stitch or align by edge, but unfortunately there is no completely automatic way that comes to my mind for now.

lupaz's picture

Hi Nik, Is it possible to

Hi Nik,
Is it possible to align the UVs of all selected elements/polygons not based on the geometry but based on the texture?
See attached: I'd need to automatically align these.

The align tools (align bottom for example) work only if the geometry is align as well. But if it's not then they remain un-aligned.

Thank you.

2024-12-20_12_19_04-xref-house-002.max_-_autodesk_3ds_max_2025.jpg 154.64 KB
NiK684's picture

[3.3.01] - 2024.07

- New. Settings - Editor - "Select By Element state" option.
- Fix. Settings - General. Lost tooltips.
- Fix. Randomize Flip error.

NiK684's picture

[3.3.00] - 2024.06

- New. 3ds Max 2025 support.
- New. Settings - Mapping. Auto break selection. Available where it makes sense.
- New. Orient iterations (Right click on Orient).
- Fix. Icons colors when new OCIO colormanagement enabled (3ds Max 2024+).
- Fix. Checker textures OCIO colorspace.
- Fix. Removed letters from script version. I regret.

NiK684's picture

[3.2p] - 2024.01

- Fix. Slowdown on startup.

NiK684's picture

[3.2o] - 2023.09

- New. UDIM. Layout uv by material ID in UDIMs.
- Fix. Checker material errors in some edge cases.
- Removed. Break with offset by ID. Replaced by UDIM Layout by ID.

NiK684's picture

Horizontal layout

Ah, you mean not a tool, but whole GUI rework :) No, thank you, I won't implement it.

Actually horizontal layout is not better or worse than vertical, both approaches has flaws in different usecases.
I have 2 tabs that you can fully customize and you can enable a couple of necessary rollouts. In horizontal layout you can see only 1 tab at the time, but the tab itself contain more controls.

Linking UV Tools to Unwrap editor doesn't make a lot of sense. All tools in my script don't need UV Editor to be opened.

Evgeniy Poyan's picture

check out Advanced UV

check out Advanced UV normalizer, you will get it.

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