Project Manager

596 votes
Date Updated: 
Author Name: 
Oleksandr Kramer
3rd version of Project Manager gains a lot of new features to manage 3D Assets. 
What is most unique to the new features – is the ability to assign custom previews to materials, associate files with materials, and create a gallery of files associated with any type of assets including materials. 
You can also write a description for materials and, of course, assign categories to materials.

Key Highlights of this update:
Custom Icons for Directories:
  • Easily organize your library by assigning built-in or custom icons.
Recent Assets:
  • Quick access to the last 25 used assets streamlines your workflow.
Improved Search Performance:
  • The "Everywhere" option enables near-instant asset retrieval.
"Include to Catalog" Feature:
  • Simplifies directory organization directly from the context menu.
More about new features ->  Project Manager version 3.37.41

Update History for all versions.

Models 3D Models Browser
Materials Materials Browser
Textures Textures Browser
IES IES Photometric Browser
Asset Files Asset Tracking

Quick Start Frequently Asked Questions

Main Features

  • Easy to organize and use 3ds Max ModelsMaterialsTextures, and IES Photometric Lights.
  • Merge Models, Materials, Bitmaps, and IES using Drag& Drop.
  • Store/Create Proxy with materials.
  • Interactive rendering previews for Materials, IES Photometric, BVH Motion capture, USD, FBX, OBJ, 3DS, and other such 3d files.
  • Show native previews for 3ds Max files, ArchVision RPC, GrowFx, Revit, Substance, BIP motion, SketchUp, Revit, HDRI & etc.
  • Create PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials
  • Support to Substance textures
  • Search files by tags and file-names.
  • Power Asset Tracking Management.
  • Support to most used renderers like V-RayCoronaOctane, Arnold, RedshiftMaxwell & etc.
Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2016-2025
Video URL: 


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Kstudio's picture

Project Manager version 3.35.75

New version is out with faster mass renaming, improved filtering, and enhanced performance.

simcloud's picture

I just thanked you for your

I just thanked you for your good tool and asked if you were planning to integrate another good tool into it, but you began to insult me. You are sick.

Kstudio's picture

By paying for russian goods,

By paying for russian goods, you finance the killing of Ukrainians. It's a really shame.

simcloud's picture

Sorry, but V-RayMax Converter

Sorry, but V-RayMax Converter Pro is the best of the converters.
It's a shame that your tool won't support this plugin.

Kstudio's picture

Thank you for your kind

Thank you for your kind words!
This utility will definitely not be supported. Find something better.

simcloud's picture

Very nice tool, thank you!

Very nice tool, thank you! But I have a question (suggestion) - do you plan to integrate the V-RayMax Converter Pro plugin into your tool, following the example of LTR (Library Track/Relink)? That would be very convenient!

todor's picture

Great tool !

Great tool !

Soboleony's picture

Thank you

Nice plugin

searchrelink.png 41.27 KB
Kstudio's picture

Thank you very much for your

Thank you very much for your review, Turnim!

Project Manager has been a steady part of our workflow and I have to say that it is worth every cent, starting from sharing libraries up to asset tracking
So my favorite is Project Manager

Turnim's picture

connecter vs Project Manager

We have used connecter and Project Manager for years and Connecter is (was) free it never gave us all the options and features we got with Project Manager.
Project Manager has been a steady part of our workflow and i have to say that it is worth every cent, starting from sharing libraries up to asset tracking
So my favorite is Project Manager

Photorealistic Architectural Visualizations

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