
756 votes
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 The Outliner 2.0 is a fast and easy to use scene management tool. It has a wide range of features, including selecting, hiding, freezing, linking and grouping objects in the "Hierarchy Mode". In the "Layer Mode" you can organize your scene by dragging&dropping objects from one layer to the other. What's more, the Outliner offers support for nested layers, to manage scenes more efficiently. The interface is nimble enough to keep it open constantly.

Additional Info: 

Compared to the previous version (1.6.1), there are many improvements. Most notable among them are: hugely increased performance, improved stability, nested layer support and many small tweaks to improve the ease of use. For a list of all changes, click here

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 2010
Other Software Required: 
.NET 3.5 Framework
Video URL: 


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PJanssen's picture

I've put up the latest build

I've put up the latest build on GitHub, as a temporary download location:

PJanssen's picture

Yeah, there was a massive

Yeah, there was a massive traffic spike, so I had to take it down for the moment:

leejk's picture

Ok, it could have been that

Ok, it could have been that outliner had not been initialized when i tried it.

Looks like your site is down at the moment, as the download link is unavailable.

PJanssen's picture

1. It is really not necessary

1. It is really not necessary to remove the nested layers data unless you have a good reason to do so. The message you're seeing is merely to inform you that it is possible should they cause any problems.
2. You don't need the Outliner to run the removeFromScene function. The removeFromScene function is defined as part of the nested layers data, so it is saved with every scene using them.
3. I'd have to look into why outlinerNestedLayersCA is undefined when you have the Outliner installed, but my guess is that it should work after you've started (and then closed) the Outliner once in the current session. You actually shouldn't get that little message in the listener either if you have the Outliner installed..

leejk's picture

Maxscript Error When Removing Outliner Layers


When I open a scene that has outliner's layers in a version of 3ds max that does not have outliner installed, I get a Maxscript message that tells me to run outlinerNestedLayersCA.removeFromScene() to clear out Outliner's data. However, when I re-open the scene in the version of 3ds max that does have Outliner installed, I get a maxscript error saying "Unknown property: "removeFromScene" in undefined". So is there a way to remove Outliner's data in the version of 3ds max that has Outliner installed? I need to clear out all non native layer information.


Vipera's picture

Max freezes when I open Outliner for max file with 80k+ objects

Max freezes when I open Outliner for max file with 80k objects (75k objects and 10k helpers).
Max2010 64bit.
Outliner 2.1.2

PJanssen's picture

That's some very strict

That's some very strict security rules then, hehe. What you can do is locate the generated files by clicking the links in the report before sending it. They're probably in the 3dsmax temp userdir. Then send them to me by email. If you don't have my address, just drop me a quick mail through the website and I'll reply to that:

leejk's picture

That's Unfortunate

I have noticed that outliner has crashed a few times today when I was nesting layers. I can't send in the report because here at work your domain is blocked by our security rules. Is there a manual way to send it in?

PJanssen's picture

This is -sadly- expected

This is -sadly- expected behavior. It is a result of having to work around the bug in the merge code of 3dsmax that made the previous nested layers implementation very prone to crashing max.

leejk's picture

Nested Layers Not Always Showing


Nested layers work OK in a scene, but when that scene is used as an xref scene in a master scene, the nested layers do not work. The layers display in the master scene, but not as nested. This used to work.


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