360 Render World
360 Render World is a panoramic camera making it possible to obtain renders with 360 degrees of a scene. Its originality is to be able to treat these made panoramic while taking account of an angle of sight what makes it possible to obtain made original likely to follow the curve of an arc without producing deformation.
Welcome to 360 Render World version 2.1. This program is a script made for
3D Studio Max 3 or Max 4. It consists in creating and driving a panoramic camera
with many options. This program is a sequel to the Axonometric Camera
program the name of which I preferred to change.
A) Package
360 Render World version 2.1 is delivered in French and English version.
Here is the detailed contents of the package:
360RW21.ms: French version of the program
360RWus21.ms: English version of the program
Axono.jpg: image of the logo
readme.txt: information ( this file)
doc.zip: full documentation
B) Directory
To install the program - just copy the 360RW21.ms or 360RWus21.ms script
file according to the chosen version - as well as axono.jpg in your script
directory. By default - c:3dsmax3scripts or c:3dsmax4scipts.
C) Loading
To load the program - choose the Utilities tab of the command panel. Press
the Maxscript button. Press the Run Script button. A dialog invites you to
load a script. You can choose 360 Render World 2.0.
D) Version
When the program is loaded from 3D Studio Max 2.x - a dialog window appears
and the program can not be loaded.
If you use a version 3 or 4 - the program is loaded and the interface
appears on the screen allowing the user to generate the panoramic view.
A) Pre-viewing
The viewing window allows to control the creation of a panoramic view.
Running 360 Render World program creates a camera (named in Max: Rwcam) and
a dummy (named in Max: Crane) to which is linked the camera.
The pre-viewing window allows to see the calculation of this camera.
The window can vary in its dimensions to optimize the speed of process
(from 360x120 to 36x12). The Slide for Test button allows to launch this
The Film radiobuttons allow to choose between Standard which corresponds to
MAX's Draft mode and Quality which corresponds to MAX's Production mode.
When Standard mode is chosen - 5 checkboxes allow to optimize pre-viewing
speed. The background colour is useable. In Quality mode - these 5
checkboxes are useless.
3 kinds of rendering are available: the 2/9th - the 1/4th - the 3/4th. These
correspond to a size in width divided by 9 - 4 or 3 according to the choice -
and multiplied by 2 - 1 or 3 to supply the height of the image.
This theoretical width of 360ø rendering is then modified by the Field of
View and Focal but the height will not change.
B) Camera handling
The camera options correspond to the followings:
The Orientation slider allows to choose the direction in which the camera
sees the scene.
Field of View is a parameter depending on FOV which allows to supply the
amplitude of the panoramic rendering.
The FOV spinner allows to give the camera focal. Its values go from 0.1 to
10 and it is only at maximal value that the 360ø panoramic rendering is
Roll allows to tilt the camera compared to the horizon.
Incline gives a vertical aim.
Altitude - Pos X and Pos Y allow to give the camera location in the 3 axes.
The rendering options correspond to the following:
Format can go from 360x80 to 3600x1200. The height gives the width
according to the rendering kind and the Field of View.
The Slide for Production button launches the calculation of the panoramic
If the Display checkbox is active - the rendering is shown at the end of
The Save button allows to save the panoramic rendering.
D) Saving
Saving the panoramic rendering is done using the dialog:
Directory allows to choose the saving directory.
Name allows to name the file.
The spinner allows to choose the image format.
Save allows to save the image.
Quit leaves the dialog without action.
Starting of this project goes back to September 19 - 1998.
Version 1.0 of the Axonometric Camera program was published on the Kinetix
Maxscript forum site.
November 10 -1998: version 1.3 was the last one of the series under the name
of Axonometric Camera. Many modifications took place. The name was not the
best to represent the use of this program.
March 27 - 1999: the program took the name of 360 RenderWorld version 1.0.
Version 1.0a solves a bug concerning the link between the camera and the
June 15 - 1999: version 2.0 released for Max 3. This version does not add
any function. The interface gets a progress bar.
mars 25: version 2.1 works with Max 3 and Max 4.