Tagged 'viewport'

Viewport Bookmarks

5 votes


This is a tool for bookmarking viewport positions. It's especially useful in large scenes.

- Add and remove viewport position bookmarks, and name them.
- Switch between bookmarks by clicking on the bookmark name.
- The window is dockable
- Cameras can be created from the bookmark, based on the active renderer (Arnold, Vray, Corona, etc.)
- The data is stored persistent in a scene node, which can easily be transferred between scenes:


8 votes



03/31 Update2: Added a Nodialog option that uses the last settings . Enable by shift+clicking the grabviewport button

03/31: Fixed camera Deletion with zdepth and fixed version check in some places

Store & Restore Views

2 votes

Simple tool for storing and restoring different viewports.

Show/Hide Maps

2 votes

Free and easy utility to quickly show and hide texture maps in the viewport, on selected objects or the whole scene.


6 votes

Aligns the viewport to the selected face. Thanks to Carl-Mikael Lagnecrantz for some code inspiration.

Select an editable poly object, select a face, run the script. Now you have a new view perpendicular to that face.


1 vote


The BlockRender one click region rendering plug-in, allows you to customize region rendering and view the results directly in the viewport, and save the rendered image automatically or manually.


[Main Functions]

--Customize region rendering and view results directly in viewports

--Automatic and manual image saving

sorry!I don't know where the script of the plug-in is. It will be uploaded later.

Multi Camera Preview

35 votes

A script asked in the forum.
MCP v.1

A tool with self explained interface.
Make viewport preview for multiple cameras
with separate range and Nth frame settings
and save to single video or image sequence
with desired compresion.

Measure By Sphere

0 votes

Measure By Sphere in object local grid from screen

Just create sphere from point to point and look radius

Save & Restore Views

7 votes

A simple script that is pretty similar to max's own "Save active perspective view" and "Restore active perspective view" functionality just that there are 5 slots with preview images. Un-comment the first 2 lines to install it as a macroscript. Click the little lock symbol to save a view, click the image button to restore it. 


0 votes

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