3ds Max - Gmax Bridge

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Facilitates exchange of geometry and associated key-frame animation between 3ds-max and gmax.

The intended use of this utility is to exchange mesh-geometry between 3ds-max and gmax and acts as a replacement to the 3ds or obj data transfer workflow.
This utility supports only mesh-geometry and the corresponding keyframe-animations for exchange between 3ds-max and gmax. Objects other than mesh geometry will be exported as dummys but would retain the animation.

    Supported for exchange :
  • Heirarchy
  • Mesh - Geometry
  • Face Smoothing - groups (vert-normals are calculated from it)
  • Face material - Id
  • UV texture - coordinates
  • Animations (keyframe) [except euler-XYZ rotation controller]
    Not supported for exchange :
  • Materials (planned for next release version)
  • Non geometry/mesh objects [bones, dummys, cameras etc.] (exported as dummys)
  • Modifiers [Skin modifier, etc.] (collapsed to editable-mesh before export)

The utility can also be used to transfer mesh/animation data from newer versions of 3d-max to older versions of 3ds-max where other formats of data exchange like FBX are unavailable.
(Some game-engine exporter plugins are written for older versions of 3ds-max and are not updated to work with newer versions of 3ds-max).

Additional Info: 

Install Instructions :
Place the extracted 'maxGmaxBridgeV2_max4+.mse' in ‘.../3ds Max/Scripts/Startup’ folder.
Place the extracted ‘maxGmaxBridgeV2_gmax.mse’ in ‘.../gmax/Scripts/Startup’ folder.

To access the utility, go into ‘utilities’ tab in the command panel and click on ‘Maxscript’. The ‘Max – Gmax Bridge v2’ utility shall be listed in the ‘utilities’ drop-down-list. Select ‘Max – Gmax Bridge v2’ to invoke its UI.

Version Requirement: 
3ds Max 4+ and Gmax